RONNIE O’ BRIEN speaks to VALERIE GAUGHRAN from the mediation services about the work they do and about a new bill that was brought in, in 2010 called mediation & conciliation bill which means anybody considering going to court on domestic issues has to first seek mediation counciling…
Conor Doyle is talking to LOUISE O’REILLY from Sinn Fein for Dublin Fingal about the General Election. Louise is a full time Trade Union Organiser and a lifelong union ...
11 Feb 2016
Noel McGuinness interviews GAY MCKEON, CEO of Na Píobairí Uilleann, who explains their work to promote Uilleann Pipes and talks about an upcoming pipe making ...
31 Jan 2014
SIMON BROOKE, Head of Policy with Cluid Housing Association chats with Ronnie O’Brien. Simon explains that Housing Association’s are independent, not for profit charities that provide social housing for people on housing ...
17 Sep 2012
John Healy speaks to Councillor SEAN HAUGHEY from Fianna Fail about the ongoing work which is taking place in Dublin airport. Sean talks about his concerns about major aircraft noise in ...
08 Apr 2015
FERGUS CARROLL reports live from Scotland the cricket match between Ireland and Scotland (Part of the ...
12 Jul 2011