
Launch of Irish Feminists Judgement Project

Mark Finnegan talks to Dr AOIFE O’DONOGHUE , Snr Lecturer at Durham Law School. Aoife is Co- Director of The Northern/Irish Feminists Judgement Project, and chats about the idea behind the project and its findings to date. The project aims to  bring a new critical methodology to bear on Irish and Northern Irish legal studies…

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Hundreds Facing Eviction in Tyrellstown

Cllr PAUL DONNELLY from Sinn Féin talks to Noel McGuinness about the facing of the eviction in Tyrellstown. More than 100 families in Cruise Park Drive face losing their homes as the fund that owns the properties seeks to sell 103 houses in the area over four years. It is understood 40 households in the estate have…

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What is Finglas Heritage Trail?

JACKIE O’REILLY joins Pat Meehan to discuss the launch of the Finglas Heritage Trail, a trail of fourteen heritage sites. The trail was officially launched by councillor Naoise O’Muiri along with Dublin City Council. They move on to discuss the book “The Peoples Portrait” of Finglas. Jackie carries on to explain the tour itself and how one…

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The reality of Horses in Darndale in 2013

NICKO MURPHY of the Darndale Comunity Pride project joins Yvette Reid to discuss the issue of loose horses in the area which at the time of the interview is a large problem. They discuss the lack of a tagging system in identifying the owner and how 78 horses were reported in the course of five…

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Culture Night 2013

AMY VAN WYLICH joins Eoin Drinan to speak about the upcoming events as part of Culture night 2013. Amy speaks of how the festival has grown over the previous eight years, with 2013 featuring over 200 different venues. Highlights are RTE Concert Orchestra in Meeting House Square and also the National Photographic archives hosting an…

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North County Leader Paper

Noel Mc Guinness speaks to PATRICK FINNEGAN  from The North County Leader Paper about the stories that are in the paper this week. They speak about three stories that are making the headlines in this weeks North County Leader …

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Documenting The Lives Of The ‘Undocumented’ in Ireland

GRACE WILENTZ, Near FM’s Intercultural Coordinator talks to Noel McGuinness about the latest series of ‘Culture Shots’. The aim of Culture Shots is to take a panel of eight people: Four Irish and four non-EU immigrants. The eight undertake a seven-week training course in community radio and intercultural media literacy that promotes equality and diversity…

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Performance of “Signs of a Diva”

Noel McGuinness interviews PADRAIG NAUGHTON, director of Arts & Disability Ireland, about the performance of the play “Signs of a Diva”, whose main  character is played by Caroline Carter a famous British deaf actor…

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Monster Clock, a puppet musical at the Axis Theatre

DAN COLLEY speaks to Noel McGuinness about “Monster Clock”, a stage production being performed at the Axis Theatre in Ballymun. Dan is the shows director and speaks of the productions history and target audience. They discuss the story behind the show, where it has travelled to and where the name of the drama company came…

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BEO Trad and Ballad Festival

Lisa talks to MARK O’BRIEN from the Axis Theatre, Ballymun about the BEO Trad and Ballad Festival. He talks about the community initiative that brought the festival to take place, the artists that will be performing and other events such as workshops that will take place in the festival. He also talks about the idea…

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The High Tea Hop

EIMEAR CHAOMHÁNACH, programmes manager with Temple Bar Trust talks to Noel McGuinness about activities happening in Temple Bar, including the dance event ‘High Tea Hop’. Get active all year round and other events. The ‘High Tea Hop’ is one of the cultural activities designed for older people (55 and older). It involves dancing of the…

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This week’s stories from North County Leader

Noel Mc Guinness speaks to PATRICK FINNEGAN from the North County Leader paper about the stories that are making the headlines . Starting us of is talk about the sale of Aer Lingus. Central bank to put new restrictions on mortgage seekers.  Lama awards & who won the best community centre in & around Fingal…

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Art on Dublin City Council Utility Boxes in Fairview

Pat speaks to ANNE & MARION who are involved in painting art on Dublin City Council utility boxes in Fairview. They talk about what they painted on the boxes, the stories behind some of the paintings, their involvement in their local art group in Marino, the enjoyment they got from the project, the time put into…

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