Ayrfield Voices Released on CD

JOHN FAHY from the Voices of Ayrfield choir chats with Noel McGuinness about the group’s CD which has been released in time for Christmas. ‘The Voices of Ayrfield’ CD contains carols and popular hymns with a seasonal feel. Two songs from the disc are played, from the opening of the recording to 1.49 and from…

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A Locksmiths tips and stories

Noel McGuinness speaks to DAVID NEVILLE about being a Locksmith. They discuss the trade, how he got involved with the business and how to become a locksmith. They look at they advances in Lock technology and how this is helpful in preventing burglary. We hear some of the ways that the general public can improve…

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A New Dimension For Irish Storytelling

The theatre company Guthanna Binne Síoraí announced that their bilingual show Guthanna Síoraí/Everlasting Voices, would be staged in Dublin. The show takes its inspiration from the poetry of three Nobel prize-winning writers: Seamus Heaney, W.B. Yeats and Samuel Beckett. Music, song and dance are used to present their work in both Irish and English. Guthanna…

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Local Drug Units being scrapped

STEVE RENN, Northside Councillor, talks about Local Drug Units being scrapped within the Guards. Steve believes it is a short sighted measure and will only add to drug addiction in underprivileged areas…

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Santry Community Garden

Mark speaks to DONNA CALLAN from the Santry Community Garden She talks about the idea of gardeners of all levels being welcome, how she discovered the garden, the features and location of the garden and how they have tried different types of seeds to see if they grow in the garden. She also describes the…

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Aramu Muru exhibition at the Graphic Studio Gallery

Barbara interviews swedish graphic artist LARS WIKSTROM about his latest exhibition at the Graphic Studio Gallery, called “Aramu Muru”. They are 18 woodcuts inspired by Aramu Muru in Haya Marca, near Lake Titicaca in Peru; it reflects the Inca culture and the spiritual world attached to it…

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Possible merger of Coolock Artane and Swords Credit Unions

Jack Byrne interviews MICHAEL McKENNA from Swords Credit Union and NOEL CUNNINGHAM from Coolock Artane Credit Union about the proposed merger of both Credit Unions and about the effect this could have in members. They explain that the money will be safe, the loans will keep in same conditions and it will probably have a…

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“Anne Frank and You” Exhibition at Pearse Street Library

ANNE MARIE KELLY of Dublin City Libraries joins Eoin Drinan to talk about the Anne Frank Exhibition taking place in Pearse Street Library. Anne says Anne Frank’s Diary continues to be a very popular book in the library system and that this exhibition is tailored towards new readers. There are two elements to the exhibition…

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Documenting The Lives Of The ‘Undocumented’ in Ireland

GRACE WILENTZ, Near FM’s Intercultural Coordinator talks to Noel McGuinness about the latest series of ‘Culture Shots’. The aim of Culture Shots is to take a panel of eight people: Four Irish and four non-EU immigrants. The eight undertake a seven-week training course in community radio and intercultural media literacy that promotes equality and diversity…

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Tales of Medievil Dublin 2013

GILLIAN KENNY of Friends of Medievil Dublin joins Pat Meehan to discuss “Tales of Medievil Dublin”. A series of talks that have been run each year since 2010. All of the talks are free to the public. Gillian outlines some of the talks, in particular one based on Medievil coins. Seperately, Gillian will give a…

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Two meerkats born at Dublin Zoo in 2012

EDDIE O’BRIEN from Dublin Zoo joins Paula Wiseman on the phone to discuss the arrival of two meerkats pups at the zoo in recent days. Eddie begins by sharing some history of the Zoo itself and paints a picture of his job as team leader at the zoo. We hear that there are 58 full…

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Lift Youth Arts Festival

Noel Mc Guinness speaks to EMMA CONNORS about lift youth arts festival which are celebrating their 10th year anniversary. They will kick off with workshops & events in the Axis in Ballymun which will include rap, drama workshops, & showcases…

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