Alaskan Epi Rogan Wins Dublin Cookery School Scholarship

EPI ROGAN, who is originally from Alaska and has been living in Ballincollig, Co Cork for the past 12 years, is the Dublin Cookery School scholar 2015. Rogan tells Pat Meehan how she won a place, worth €8,500, on the cookery school’s 2015 12-week intensive course, beginning in September. Rogan was one of 13 amateur…

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Peter McVerry Trust – Homelessness in Dublin update

PAT DOYLE of the Peter McVerry Trust joins Pat Meehan to give an update on the homelessness situation in Dublin. Pat explains that the numbers of homeless has risen since 2011. The trust has opened a new hostel in 2012. The city council has opened a new hostel. If you cannot get a bed on any…

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NEAR Media Intercultural Co-op

GRACE WILENTZ pops in to update Noel McGuinness on the progress of the Near FM & MediaCorp Intercultural Project. With her she has two members of the latest group to come together: Maleka and Ecaterina. At this point there are 17 participants in the project. They are learning a wide range of skills in the…

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Mature Artists Show Their Stuff at Axis, Ballymun

Roving reporter FELICITY KEARNY talks to some of the artists at the opening of North Central Dublin’s Bealtaine Art Exhibition. North Dublin Group art exhibition launched on Tuesday May 5th at 2pm in the Axis Arts Centre, Ballymun. The exhibition displays the wealth of talent and invention existing in the art groups and individuals over…

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Fossetts Circus At 125 years Of Age

CHARLES O’BRIEN of Fossetts Circus speaks to Ger Leddin on the occasion of their 125th year in existence. Charles talks about the history of Fossetts Circus with the oldest official documentation of it reaching back to 1888, the new audience members attending the circus from outside of Ireland, the generations of families passing on memories…

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NCBI Friendship Garden Plays Pivotal Social & Employment Roles

Declan Meehan talks to SHARON LYONS of the National Council for the Blind in Ireland (NCBI) about the newly-launched Friendship Garden. The garden is designed to teach people who have become recently blind, or simply wish to learn new skills, how to grow flowers and vegetables. It also plays a pivotal social role for participants…

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Early Childhood Ireland and the Creche Fees initiative

John Healy speaks to MARLENE MCCORMACK of Early Childhood Ireland about the recently introduced Creche fees initiative. They discuss the work that Early Childhood Ireland do and the services they offer. They discuss the regulations in place in regards to childcare facilities including insurance costs for these facilities. They talk about costs of childcare and…

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Great Aunt Does A Great Channel Swim For A Great Charity

SHEILA FLEMING talks to Conor Doyle about MAURA TWOMEY’s great swimming achievement. Maura, a brave great-aunt, swam the English Channel to raise funds for her grandnephew who suffers from cystic fibrosis. Maura Twomey was 59 when she took on the epic challenge for the CF children’s unit at Cork University Hospital between July 9 and…

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UNESCOs Eco Friendly summer courses in Dublin

ECO UNESCO’s ELAINE NEVIN joins Noel McGuinness to talk about their sustainable development course and their other summer courses for young people. Elaine talks about the nature and activities of their children’s course, their FETAC accredited sustainable development course for adults, how younger people understand the idea of sustainable energy, the theme of their summer camps,…

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Howth, Baldoyle and Sutton 1916 Commemorative Committee

Pat speaks to PHILIP O’CONNOR, local historian from the Howth, Baldoyle and Sutton 1916 Commemorative Committee. He talks about the origins of the committee, the events that they are putting together, some of the historic events that took place in Howth, Baldoyle and Sutton during the 1916 rising, the type of historic figures who were around…

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‘Prints’ 1916 Exhibition around Ireland

Barbara Jennings talks to MARGARET BECKER about her 1916 exhibition on Near FM’s Northside Today with John Healy. Almost fifty Printmakers from eight Printmaking studios around Ireland have accepted an invitation to participate in the project, which aims to create awareness of little known events or incidents during or around the time of the Easter…

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Barrack closures

RONNIE O’ BRIEN speaks to GERRY ROONEY who is the general secretary of PD Forra about barrack closures in Cavan, Clonmel, Monaghan, & Donegal. Ronnie asks Gerry what he thinks of the closures…

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Terence Flanagan speaks of Abortion Laws in Ireland

Former Fine Gael TD, TERENCE FLANAGAN joins Ger Leddin. Terence talks about his feelings on the Abortion Rites Campaign press statement. He states that he were “gravely disappointed by the health committee’s decision to reject the amendment, which would allow abortions to be offered to women suffering inevitable miscarriages and those diagnosed with fatal abnormalities”. Terence…

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