The Trim Swift Satire Festival


Paula speaks to PADDY CULLIVAN about the Johnathan Swift inspired satire festival in Trim. They discuss the  origins of the festival, who is on the line up and what is in store for the audience. Paddy tells Paula about some of the acts who are performing including Barry Murphy, Dara O’Brian and a host of other satirists. Paddy tells Paula how he got involved with the festival and his role as an organiser and curator.

Duration: 10'30" DATE: July 5, 2012
Interviewer:Paula Wiseman
Producer:Paula Wiseman
Interviewee:Paddy Cullivan
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Local Arts & Culture
Keywords:Gullivers Travels, satire festival, festivals, Johnathan Swift, Trim Castle, Marquees, Comedians, Stand up Comedians, comedy festivals, Paddy Cullivan
LocationTrim Time Period:2012
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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