The Incredible Edible healthy eating month


YVONNE WHELAN of Scoil Catriona joins John Healy to discuss the “Incredible Edible Healthy Eating Month”, an initiative to encourage the growing of vegetables in the school environment.

Yvonne shares with us how the children get involved with growing vegetables and complete five tasks over the course of the growth process, with the purpose being to introduce and teach a child how to grow their own vegetables while also encouraging them to eat more healthy foods. Yvonne explains that Agri Aware are the group which facilitate the project, sending seed packs to each of the schools involved.

In Scoil Catriona, the whole school is involved in their vegetable garden, but this project is just being undertaken by Yvonne’s class. Yvonne explains that the project will be ongoing with some vegetables being ready to harvest before the summer break and the rest being harvested upon the children’s return to school.

Duration: 07'15" DATE: April 25, 2012
Interviewer:John Healy
Producer:John Healy
Interviewee:Yvonne Whelan
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Community Events, Global Issues with a Local Focus
Keywords:healthy eating, incredible edible healthy eating month, scoil catriona, yvonne whelan, teaching children to eat healthy, children growing vegetables, The Incredible Edible healthy eating month, growing vegetables, Agri Aware
LocationFingal Time Period:2012
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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