Cllr PAUL DONNELLY from Sinn Féin talks to Noel McGuinness about the facing of the eviction in Tyrellstown. More than 100 families in Cruise Park Drive face losing their homes as the fund that owns the properties seeks to sell 103 houses in the area over four years. It is understood 40 households in the estate have…
PAT MEEHAN speaks to DENIS MC INTYRE about the proposal for the Bram Stoker museum in ...
13 Jul 2011
Artist and NearFM roving reporter BARBARA JENNINGS talks about a forthcoming exhibition in Gallery 27, South Frederick Street and her art and influences. She was shown how to cast ...
29 Oct 2014
Taxi Drivers, Thomas O’Connor and Jerry Eccles talk to Noel McGuinness about a new move at Beaumont Hospital that will impact upon patients and visitors alike. Local councillors have said ...
23 Jun 2015
Mark Finnegan interviews DAMIEN O’HARE who is keen to publicise a new German band with a rather unique sound for a German band (they do not sound like Kraftwerk ...
21 Jul 2014
MICHAEL DAWSON Jr talks to Noel McGuinness about raising funds for the Soul of Haiti Foundation. Funds raised for the Soul of Haiti Foundation are used to support sustainable ...
20 Apr 2012