Flavia speaks a few people from France and Ireland on the Dublin streets during the March for Paris in support and solidarity with Paris following the tragic attacks. The people talk about their concerns if family members are anywhere near the attacks, the sadness about the attacks, their determination to go to work in tribute to…

Communiversities Programme in Coolock Library
John speaks to PAUL HAYES from the Northside Partnership about the Communiversities Programme in Coolock Library. He talks about his role in the Northside Partnership, the locations in Ireland where the programme is taking place, the details and the idea of the programme, the various courses available as part of the programme and the requirements…
Amy FitzPatrick Is Still Missing
The disappearance of Amy Fitzpatrick occurred on New Year’s Day 2008. At 10pm on that day, 15-year-old Irish girl Amy Fitzpatrick said goodbye to friend Ashley Rose, with whom she had been babysitting Ashley’s brother at her friend’s house in Mijas Costa in Málaga, Spain. Fitzpatrick should have arrived at her home on the urbanisation…

Dublin Bay Prawn Festival Howth
Noel Mc Guinness speaks to AOIFE HEALY who is founder of the Dublin prawn festival in Howth. This is the fifth year the festival has been taking place in Howth & promises to be the best & biggest so far with three marquees that will have live bands cultural events & cookery demos . There…
Exploring the Graphic Studio Art Gallery
Barbara Jennings joins PAULA KENNEDY at the Graphic Studio Gallery to discuss the upcoming exhibition featuring the work of Jean Barton. Other artists exhibiting include Margaret Becker and Bernadette Madden. All pieces displayed will be on sale for the Christmas period. The gallery is located to the rear of Bloom’s Hotel in Temple Bar. www.graphicstudiodublin.com…
Education Programmes and Culture Night Events in St. Patrick’s Catheral
ANDREW SMITH Education Officer with St. Patrick’s Cathedral talks to NOEL MC GUINNESS about education programmes and Culture Night events in the Cathedral. ANDREW tells us about the Evensong programme in the Cathedral which features the oldest choir in Ireland. There are also some very interesting tours available. Some 400,000 people a year visit St…
Sing Project at Axis in Ballymun
What a night it was on Wednesday 19 December in Axis, Ballymun when the combined voices of the National Chamber Choir and the Sing project participants joined forces in a celebratory carol service under the baton of Paul Hillier. The finale was the whole auditorium singing Silent Night and O come all you faithful, spine…
New Tech Cuts Doc’s Response Times
NICK O’HARE from Medicare introduces Mark Finnegan to the new AMD technology for doctors. Out of hours doctors’ response times will be cut by two thirds in Ireland with the introduction of a new technology by Ireland’s leading healthcare company, Mediserve. The AMD TeleClinic involves a high-tech portable device being despatched quickly to patients’ homes,…
Lynk: Dublin’s Newest Taxi App
John Healy speaks to NOEL EBBS about the national taxi fare increase. NOEL is the spokesman & CEO from Lynk (Dublin’s newest taxi app). NOEL talks about the discount that is on offer at the moment with the taxi fares & how to download the app on your phone. He also talks about the increase…
Darndale Arts Week – Something For Everyone
DARINA SHOULDICE of Our Lady Immaculate School in Darndale talks to Noel McGuinness about the wide range of activities taking place during Darndale Arts Week. She also talks about the development of Darndale over the past 30 years into the vibrant community it is today, with the Darndale Belcamp Village Centre, Sphere 17 youth group,…
Dublin Chinese New Year festival 2013
AMY YIN ZANG speaks to Yvette Reid about the plans for the Dublin Chinese New Year Festival in 2013. They also discuss the Dublin Chinese Film Festival 2013 and the films that will be shown as part of this festival. They discuss the meaning of the “Year of the Snake” which is the Chinese year…

Documentary photography work “My Axis” at Axis, Ballymun
AIDAN KELLY joins Noel McGuinness to speak about his art and photography. In particular he is discussing his work as a Photography mentor in Ballymun Axis Centre. They discuss the idea of bringing “What people say” into works of art over a 12 week period working as a group of artists, to create something new,…

To Children With Love’s Challenger Programme Of Education
Noel speaks to DEBBIE DEEGAN from To Children With Love about the Challenger Programme of Education for children from disadvantaged areas. She talks about the background of To Children With Love in Russia, the idea behind the programme, what they have learned about the disadvantaged areas around Dublin, the keys to giving children their own…
Motor Neurone Sufferer
Ronnie O’Brien & John Healy speak to JOSEPH FITZGERALD, who is a motor neurone sufferer & is the singer of a song called ” Hey mama it’s Christmas”, which is being released in time for Christmas. All proceeds from sales will go to the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association…
Details of Dairefest charity event at the Pint, Dublin
GAVIN DOYLE, DAIRE KELLY and DAVID DOYLE join Paula Wiseman in the studio to discuss an upcoming gig to raise money for Daires trip to teach in India as part of the Suas programme. They share details of his trip to India and they go on to detail the different bands involved in the gig…