
Launch of Irish Feminists Judgement Project

Mark Finnegan talks to Dr AOIFE O’DONOGHUE , Snr Lecturer at Durham Law School. Aoife is Co- Director of The Northern/Irish Feminists Judgement Project, and chats about the idea behind the project and its findings to date. The project aims to  bring a new critical methodology to bear on Irish and Northern Irish legal studies…

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Hundreds Facing Eviction in Tyrellstown

Cllr PAUL DONNELLY from Sinn Féin talks to Noel McGuinness about the facing of the eviction in Tyrellstown. More than 100 families in Cruise Park Drive face losing their homes as the fund that owns the properties seeks to sell 103 houses in the area over four years. It is understood 40 households in the estate have…

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What is Finglas Heritage Trail?

JACKIE O’REILLY joins Pat Meehan to discuss the launch of the Finglas Heritage Trail, a trail of fourteen heritage sites. The trail was officially launched by councillor Naoise O’Muiri along with Dublin City Council. They move on to discuss the book “The Peoples Portrait” of Finglas. Jackie carries on to explain the tour itself and how one…

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The reality of Horses in Darndale in 2013

NICKO MURPHY of the Darndale Comunity Pride project joins Yvette Reid to discuss the issue of loose horses in the area which at the time of the interview is a large problem. They discuss the lack of a tagging system in identifying the owner and how 78 horses were reported in the course of five…

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Temple Street’s History on Show

Pat Meehan talks to local historian and Temple Street staff member BARRY KENNARK about a new exhibition taking place at the Little Museum of Dublin ( www.littlemuseum.ie ). On show are many pictures and artifacts that are used to illustrate the famous children’s hospital’s proud history of achievement in the field of medical research. There…

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Increased protection for domestic workers

Noel talks to TINA from the Domestic Workers’ Action Group about human rights abuses, exploitation, and discrimination perpetrated on foreign domestic workers by unscrupulous employers in Ireland. New legislation has been passed here, ratifying EU laws on exploitation, but the abuse goes on. The DWAG continues to campaign for change, but it’s hard to prosecute…

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“Where the streets have two names” book

Barbara Jennings interviews PATRICK BROCKLEBANK photographer and author of the book “Where the streets have two names”. This book is  documenting U2’s early days, as well as the rise of other groups who were part of Dublin’s music scene at that time, such as: the Virgin Prunes, The Blades, The Black Catholics, The Undertones and The Buzzcocks…

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Educate Together on course for further growth

GERRY MCKEVITT of Educate Together tells Pat Meehan about the organisation’s growth over the past four decade. Educate Together was established as a multi-denominational school in the late 1970s. There are now 74 Educate Together schools in Ireland, and two second level schools as well as a new primary school in Bristol in the UK. The multi-denominational,…

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New Monasticism in Ireland

BERNADETTE FLANAGAN speaks to Ronnie O’Brien about “New Monasticism”, a global movement developing a network of people who are interested in having practices like mindfulness built into their daily lives. They speak of the idea of possible links to Celtic Monasticism. They speak of a “soul friend” or “An Ainm Chara” and they finally discuss…

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Rossport Photos and Play at Eden Quay Theatre

WILLIAM HEDERMAN chats to Noel McGuinness about his exhibition of photographs of Rossport which is on show at the Eden Quay Theatre in support of DONAL O’KELLY’s play “Fionnuala”. Fionnuala is about the Corrib Gas fiasco foisted on a small rural community in County Mayo. Ambrose Keogh works for Shell. When the Tunnel Boring Machine…

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What is the “One Percent Difference” philanthropic campaign?

SEAMUS MULCONRY, Executive Director of Philanthropy Ireland speaks with Pat about the “One Percent Difference” campaign, where you are asked to give one percent of your time or money to a cause which you can believe in. Seamus talks about the pros of volunteering time for sports and other organisations in Ireland, the generosity of Irish people as…

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Discovery Gospel Choir

Sabrina interviews ASHLING McCORMACK, musical director of the Discovery Gospel Choir, that are celebrating the 10th anniversary of this intercultural music project. They gather 16 different nationalities, with the fusion of different styles that this brings. They have shared stage with relevant Irish musicians like Sinead O’Connor, and have covered different songs like U2 apart from religious…

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Lets Walk & Talk Tours In Dublin

John Healy speaks to CIARAN MAHONEY from Dublin City Council about lets walk & talk spring 2015. The walks are set up to get people from a certain community to get to know each other & get fit at the same time. The walk & talk tours are running a few years & take place…

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Claim our Future’s Plan B for fixing our economy

Ronnie O’Brien speaks to part of the group “Claiming our Future”. The group lobbies to create a more sustainable Ireland. They discuss the group’s “Plan B” (Plan A being the government’s plan to fix the economy). They speak about the details of the alternative plan that they have put together and the changes they would suggest…

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Dublin Roses’ Belarus Trip in Aid of Chernoble Children

Pat Meehan talks to Dublin Rose participant GEMMA ROSE O’BRIEN about trhe trip in aid of Chernobyl Children International. Over five days the Roses worked in an orphanage that looks after children wirth special needs. They played with children and cared for them. Some 30,000 children are affected by problems resulting from the infamous nuclear…

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Irish Cartoonist, Tom Mathews

Barbara talks to the Irish cartoonist, TOM MATHEWS about how he got into cartooning. Tom talks about some of the early cartoons, which he did while still in school. They speak of the work available to him in the current climate of 2012. He tells how he sometimes gets private commissions but also the downsides of…

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