Visiting Killester Christmas Craft Fair 2013

PAULINE O’REGAN joins Barbara Jennings at the Killester Crafts Fair in St Brigid’s Resource Centre. Pauline tells Barbara about the facilities that the Centre provides and how it came to be. Apparently a lot of singing and dancing goes on there in popular theatre events, as well as activities like tai chi and yoga. They…

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Ireland’s Drinking Culture: Addiction or Genetics?

Doctor GARRETT MCGOVERN, a specialist in substance abuse, joins Sabrina Ryan to discuss the link between substance addiction and genetics. Dr McGovern believes there is a possible link between nature and nurture, suggesting that a family environment where drinking heavily is prevalent can have a knock-on effect on the next generation of the household. Dr…

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Life From The College Point Of View: News From DCU

SARAH BERMINGHAM, news editor of DCU’s College View newspaper joins Sabrina Ryan to share what are the main topics of this weeks newspaper. Sarah tells that the main article deals with antisocial behaviour attributed to DCU students in the local neighbourhoods surrounding DCU. They discuss whether DCU students are as troublesome as some other institutions…

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Cóis Céim and the Festival of Contemporary Dance

DAVID BOLGER of Cóis Céim Dance Theatre tells Eoin Drinan what is in store for the company’s forthcoming coming week-long Celebration of Dance. David says the festival offers an opportunity to see some of the many kinds of work they do. There will be six presentations of short films from Cóis Céim’s youth group “Creative…

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“The Importance of Being Earnest” As Contemporary Opera

FERGUS SHIEL, founder and artistic director of Wide Open Opera, joins Eoin Drinan to discuss their upcoming opera style production of “The Importance of being Ernest”. The Crash Ensemble are providing the music for this production. With a running time of 90 minutes, the play is quick, witty and very well paced. Director Ger Barry…

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“Anne Frank and You” Exhibition at Pearse Street Library

ANNE MARIE KELLY of Dublin City Libraries joins Eoin Drinan to talk about the Anne Frank Exhibition taking place in Pearse Street Library. Anne says Anne Frank’s Diary continues to be a very popular book in the library system and that this exhibition is tailored towards new readers. There are two elements to the exhibition…

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Seeking Fair Trade and Fair Treatment in the Asian Garment Industry

KATE NOLAN, organiser of Clean Clothes Campaign Ireland, speaks to Eoin Drinan about this lobbying group and its goals. The Clean Clothes Campaign is an international organisation dedicated to informing consumers and importers all over the world about the dreadful working conditions imposed on workers in the garment industry across Asia. Kate tells Eoin that…

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Otherworld Festival: Halloween in Ballymun

BRIAN MONGHEY, organiser of the “Otherworld” Halloween Festival taking place at the Axis Centre in Ballymun, joins Eoin Drinan. The festival begins with a parade through the Ballymun estates leading to the Plaza where five marquees will be offering entertainment until 9pm culminating in a spectacular fireworks display. The annual festival was inaugurated in 1996…

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Scare Yourself Silly: Horror Movie Picks for Halloween 2013

BREN MURPHY of the “Under your bed” horror movie podcast site joins Eoin Drinan to recommend some top horror movies for Halloween. He begins with “Trick or Treat” a very American Halloween movie made in 2007 but not released until two years later. The next recommendation is “House of the Devil” directed by Ti West…

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Winter Coats For The Homeless Campaign

SARAH KATE CONWAY and ROSIE OSBOURNE join John Healy in studio to discuss Sarah’s “Winter Coats For The Homeless” initiative. Sarah tells John where the idea came from and how it developed into a campaign. Rosie talks about the Peter McVerry Trust’s involvement with the campaign and some of the ways in which people can…

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Dublin City Council’s Halloween Firework Displays 2013

FIONA MOORE from Dublin City Council joins Noel McGuinness to discuss the various events taking place over the Halloween period. Fiona says these organised Halloween events do reduce the impact of illegal gatherings which can be dangerous and cause harm to the local environment. Fiona talks about people endangering the lives of children and their…

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Photography: “Working Lives 1893-1913” Exhibition

MARY JONES, a social scientist with Archive Productions, speaks to Noel McGuinness about a new exhibition of photographs from 1893-1913. The exhibition documents the working lives of the population during this period. Mary tells Noel about the impact of industrialisation and urbanisation on working people in this period. She also discusses the increase in numbers…

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Wholesome Food For Halloween

CATRIONA REDMOND speaks to Noel McGuinness about cooking wholesome food for Halloween. Catriona remembers the traditions of her childhood associated with collecting and eating food as a family. Catriona talks of her love for curly kale and how easy it is to cook. Catriona talks about the change in tradition and how in her younger…

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Live From The Leinster House Medical Cards Cuts Protest

FLAVIA GORETTA presents a series of vox pops from members of the public attending a protest at Leinster House. Older people in Ireland have recently been subject to medical card cuts as part of the government’s budget for 2013. They share their stories about the very real hardships these cuts impose upon them…

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