Arson incident at Stardust Memorial park

Pat Meehan joins local councillor LARRY O’TOOLE who speaks of outrage at an Arson attack at the Coolock memorial space for the Stardust Tragedy which took place in the local area in 1981. They discuss other anti-social behaviour in the park surrounding the memorial and go on to discuss possible ways to dissuade this behaviour…

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Marriage Equality Organisation “LGBT Parents” training event.

Pat Meehan speaks to MONINNE GRIFFITH of the Marriage Equality organisation about amazing young people with LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) parents and the campaign for marriage equality. They begin with Monnine explaining what is part of the campaign including workshops and working in the community trying to increase awareness of LGBT families in…

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Pat Speight: Storyteller

Barbara Jennings speaks to storyteller PAT SPEIGHT [SLIGHT DISTORTION ON PRESENTER VOICE] via telephone.Pat tells some stories including an anecdote about a genie and a wish and a pig with a wooden leg.…

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A Locksmiths tips and stories

Noel McGuinness speaks to DAVID NEVILLE about being a Locksmith. They discuss the trade, how he got involved with the business and how to become a locksmith. They look at they advances in Lock technology and how this is helpful in preventing burglary. We hear some of the ways that the general public can improve…

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Photo book “Finglas through the eyes of its people”

Pat Meehan speaks to DARREN KINSELLA about the book “Finglas through the eyes of its people”. They discuss where the idea for the book came from. They discuss some of the forty plus portraits featured within the book and discusses some of the stories behind the people featured in the portraits.   We hear where…

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Local Gig listing for first week of January 2013

DAVID BRYAN joins Noel McGuinness on the phone with a list of upcoming gigs for January including The Vibe for Philo 2013. They briefly discuss what Christmas single in history has earned the most money. They mention the First Fortnight festival including Mumblin deaf ro’ and others. They speak of showbands visiting the Helix venue…

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NEAR Media Co-op Round Up December 2013

DAVE O CONNOR, secretary of the NEAR Media Co-op, gives Noel McGuinness a round up of events at the co-op in the previous months. Dave says it has been a tough year financially for the sector but that thankfully NEAR has been able to keep going. Dave tells of the Sound and Vision fund, to…

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A First-Hand Experience of Alzheimers in 2013

DEIRDRE and MAIREAD (not their real names) speak to Ger Leddin about their experiences of seeing and caring for their 83 year old mother who has Alzheimers. Deirdre tells how her mother has allowed people into the house despite not knowing who they were or why they were there. They discuss the drugs available to…

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Labour Youth policies at the end of 2013

CIARAN GARRETT, chair of the Labour Youth Party, talks to Ger Leddin about the recent Dail launch of the party’s “Beyond the bail out” campaign, which is designed to implement Labour’s policies in a post bailout society. The party is lobbying for the abolition of zero hour contracts. Ciarán says these contracts have a very negative…

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“Under My Bed” Show in Aid of Barnardos

AMY DAWSON speaks to John Healy about the “Under my bed” project. Over the past year they asked well known celebrities to write short stories set in their childhood bedrooms. Using this material they created a series of short plays, songs and stories for the stage. All funds raised go to Barnardos. Amongst the contributors…

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Learning about the Asylum seeking process for children in Ireland

CAROLINE REID, Communications officer with the Irish Refugee Council, speaks to Sabrina Ryan about a new multimedia guide released by the organisation. Caroline explains how the guide came about and the process by which it was created in collaboration with children who were going through the asylum process at the time. Caroline explains how people…

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Mary Coughlan at the Axis, Ballymun

Singer MARY COUGHLAN joins Noel MCGuinness to discuss an upcoming gig at the Axis Centre in Ballymun. Mary gives details of the concert and a new album being released early in 2014. They also discuss the recent death of Nelson Mandela and the effect of his passing on her. Mary shares details of her new…

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