Irish Girl Guides Talk About Climate Change

Fiona Murdoch, Communications Officer for Irish Girl Guides talks to KATE MULCAHY, AINE CAFFREY and LOUISE O’REILLY about climate change. They talk about why it’s important to fight against climate change, their suggestions to the Environment Minister, why it’s important to carry on the message about the climate change issues and their hopes for an…

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Entering the Wet World of the Rock Pools

LORRAINE BULL, Development Officer with the Irish Wildlife Trust (IWT), talks to Mark Finnegan about the Irish Wildlife Trust and in particular about the rock-pooling event for families on Saturday 5th September. Rock pools (or tide pools) are a home for hardy organisms such as sea stars, mussels and clams. They must be able to…

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‘Zero Tolerance’ Crackdown On Illegal Dumping

Dublin City Council is to begin a “zero tolerance” crackdown on illegal dumping in the north inner city after the area was declared a litter blackspot. CCTV is being installed in the area in a bid to tackle the issue. BRIAN HANNEY from Dublin City Council’s Waste Management Division talks to Pat Meehan abpout the…

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Rossport Photos and Play at Eden Quay Theatre

WILLIAM HEDERMAN chats to Noel McGuinness about his exhibition of photographs of Rossport which is on show at the Eden Quay Theatre in support of DONAL O’KELLY’s play “Fionnuala”. Fionnuala is about the Corrib Gas fiasco foisted on a small rural community in County Mayo. Ambrose Keogh works for Shell. When the Tunnel Boring Machine…

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Ballymun Tidy Towns 2012

John Healy speaks to MARY COUCH about Tidy Towns.  They discuss the different categories available to enter, appeal for volunteers, and how they manage to receive funding and dealing with graffiti. Mary spoke about the problems they have with dumping and also offered up some clever ideas for other tidy town organisations. Mary also talks about the…

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Save our Dunes campaign

MAIRE O’BRIEN from the Portmarnock Community Association makes an appeal to individuals and sports clubs not to use the dunes for sporting activities, as it is having an adverse effect on the dunes. By running up and down the dunes, people are breaking up the dunes and taking away the grasses.  The sand then blows the…

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A report on Father Collins Park

VICKY gives a report on Father Collins Park, detailing the amenities available in the park including the Wind Turbines, Playground, Skate Park and football pitches and speaking to some park users abut their park experiences. The park was named after the local priest who lobbied successfully for the lands to be given over for public use…

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