The Benefits Of Having An Allotment

CATRIONA REDMOND of the Balbriggan Allotment Association speaks to Noel McGuinness about the benefits of having an allotment. Catriona talks about how having an allotment is great for bringing people together, the uses of an allotment such as growing food, the speakers that they have invited regularly to the Balbriggan allotments to teach members how to…

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2012: Another Year at Near – News Round-Up

Near Media Co-Op is a not-for-profit community media project. The project consists of Near FM and Near TV and works in platforms as diverse as computer training, drama production, assisting unsigned musicians and educational programming. Near FM broadcasts 24 hours a day over 365 days per year. We operate an open access policy and run…

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The “College View” From DCU – 2013

AOIFE MULLEN, editor of “The College View” in Dublin City University joins Sabrina Ryan. Aoife speaks about issues affecting students, beginning with the affect of recent budget changes to Jobseekers benefit for people under 24, and €25million being cut from third level education. As a result of the latter, the contribution fee which students pay…

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Rhythms of the Port (002)

Mark Finnegan talks to Declan Byrne of the Dockworkers’ Preservation Society about an exhibition looking at the history of Dublin Port and surrounding areas. They talk about how time and economic changes had huge social implications for those who lived and worked in the area, all those who came into contact with them…

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Winter Coats For The Homeless Campaign

SARAH KATE CONWAY and ROSIE OSBOURNE join John Healy in studio to discuss Sarah’s “Winter Coats For The Homeless” initiative. Sarah tells John where the idea came from and how it developed into a campaign. Rosie talks about the Peter McVerry Trust’s involvement with the campaign and some of the ways in which people can…

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NearFM Spring Round up

DAVE O’CONNOR speaks to Noel McGuinnes about what is going on in NEARFM including celebrating thirty years of Near Media Co-op and a conference on “Social Justice Media” to mark the anniversary. He also speaks of what inspired him to get involved in Community Media. They also talk of “Folklore from the Dance Floor” a…

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Brian Moss on Transparency in the Charity sector and the State of the Nation address 2013

BRIAN MOSS, journalist, joins Sabrina Ryan beginning by discussing Enda Kenny’s “State of the Nation” address, telling how he agrees with the government suggestion to stay course with the policies of the time. He talks of personally seeing an upturn in the social activities in the South of Dublin. They briefly discuss what the Taoiseach…

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Problems on the International Space Station

DAVID MOORE of Astronomy Ireland speaks to Noel McGuinness about the night sky in December 2013. David says this time of year is very interesting with the winter solstice having taken place just three days ago. He tells us which constellations are visible at this time and the number of planets that are visible. The…

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Declaring Bankruptcy

Sabrina Ryan interviews JILLIAN GODSIL who recently declared herself bankrupt, and tells how does she face this situation. She explains how she got into a project of creating a Guest House when her husband and her were quite successful with their works, making a huge invest that made sense at the moment. But suddenly she…

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