John Healy interviews MADELEINE EBBS from Dublin City Council and social activist LANCE SPRATT, and some students from Darndale National School accompanied by Gerry Cooley to talk about the claim to repair the playground and the football pitch. The football teams can’t use the pitches because the quad bikes destroyed them and the playground was too…
Missing Teddy Bear Reunited With Its Owner
Conor speaks to AUSTIN MAGUIRE from Enjoy Malahide about a missing teddy bear that was reunited with its owner. He talks about the story about the missing teddy bear, how he discovered the teddy bear, how he used Facebook to find its owner, the pride he felt when returning the teddy bear to its owner and…
‘Zero Tolerance’ Crackdown On Illegal Dumping
Dublin City Council is to begin a “zero tolerance” crackdown on illegal dumping in the north inner city after the area was declared a litter blackspot. CCTV is being installed in the area in a bid to tackle the issue. BRIAN HANNEY from Dublin City Council’s Waste Management Division talks to Pat Meehan abpout the…
Astronomy Ireland’s September Star-B-Q
Noel McGuinness talks to DAVID MOORE about ‘Star BQ’, taking place this September and what you can see in the sky tonight. Tonight, Saturn is visible just above the moon, and you’ll be able to see it with the naked eye. A half-decent telescope will reveal the rings, and with a good one, you’ll be able to…
Live from the Water protests – Clare Hall
NOEL McGUINNESS reports live from a water charge protest in Clare Hall. The police have been in attendance since early morning but seem somewhat ineffectual. The residents of Clare Hall and the Irish Water workers are in a stand-off position…
Sean Haughey On FF Ticket For Dublin Bay North
Fianna Fáil has now decided to add Councillor Sean Haughey to the ticket in the Dublin Bay North constituency. SEAN HAUGHEY chats here with Mark Finnegan about issues that will be important in the forthcoming 2015 election. Mr Haughey said: “I am very honoured to be nominated as FF candidate. I am deeply committed to…
Tackling the Increasing costs of School Uniforms and Tracksuits
SEAN CROWE talks with Yvette Reid about the increase in costs for parents with children heading back to school. Sean firstly talks about how he contacted the minister of education to investigate how costs for parents can be dropped. He suggested selling patches of school crests that can be attached to plain tracksuits. Yvette talks about how her own…
Tenant Evictions, Social Housing, and the Rental Accommodation Scheme
Local councilor DESSIE ELLIS joins Pat Meehan to discuss the tenant evictions taking place due to repossessions and of how many landlords will not accept rental supplements. They also talk about some of the failings of the Rental Accommodation Scheme as it currently stands and the need to rehouse evicted tenants…
New Culture Shots Course Opens With Internship Advice
NOEL MC GUINNESS has Near Intercultural Coordinator of of NEAR Media coop GRACE WILLENTZ. Grace is talking about ‘Culture Shots’ a new training course. This new course is focusing on getting people used to the process of producing their own programmes for radio. The training plans tend to go astray a little as the groups…
Dublin Roses’ Belarus Trip in Aid of Chernoble Children
Pat Meehan talks to Dublin Rose participant GEMMA ROSE O’BRIEN about trhe trip in aid of Chernobyl Children International. Over five days the Roses worked in an orphanage that looks after children wirth special needs. They played with children and cared for them. Some 30,000 children are affected by problems resulting from the infamous nuclear…
Prolife and History of Dunsink Observatory
Mark Finnegan speaks to Professor LUKE DRURY who is head of Astrophysics & Astronomy with Dunsink Observatory which is in Finglas about the work he does & the history behind the Observatory…
‘Neither Either’ Dance and music show comes to Project Arts Centre
Noel talks to dancer PHILIP CONNAUGHTON of the Liz Roche company about the forthcoming production of Neither Either – a blend of poetry, dance, and music. The show has toured all over Ireland and its arrival in Dublin is much anticipated…
Above us the waves – Dublin Sub-Aqua Club
JOHN DUNNE of the Viking Sub-Aqua Club chats with Noel McGuinness about some unusual dives. Viking Sub Aqua Club is a Dublin-based scuba diving club. They meet every wednesday night, 9 to 10pm, in the Coolmine Sports & Leisure Centre, Grove Road, Dublin 15. VSAC has been in existence since 1976. Affiliated to the Irish…

National Hair Dressing apprenticeship at Colaiste Dhulaigh, Kilbarrack
KEVIN CAHILL co-ordinator of the National Hair dressing apprenticeship in Colaiste Dhulaigh and ALEX DRUMGOOLE who is a participant join Donie Tarrant. Also speaking to Donie is Minister for Further and Higher Education Research Innovation and science SIMON HARRIS T.D…
Dublin director and writer Joe O’Byrne launching his play “The Rising” as part of the Five Lamps Festival
Noel McGuinness is talking to JOE O’BYRNE who is a director and writer for theatre about his play “The Rising” as part of the Five Lamps Arts Festival. His own plays ‘En Suite’ was presented at the Abbey/ Peacock, and ‘Departed’ and ‘The Sinking of the Titanic’ at the Dublin Theatre Festival. He has also directed many productions,…