Pebbledash house at Collins Barracks

Artist and town planner PAUL KEARNS discusses and exhibition and book ‘Beyond Pebbledash’, which sees a full-size pebbledash house erected in Collins Barracks. The exhibition is aimed at teenage people who live in Dublin. Those who live in the suburbs are aksked what they like and dislike about this, and those who live in the…

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Car boot sale at the Artane Market

CATHERINE O’CONNER speaks to John Healy. At the time she is trying to revamp the Artane Market, based opposite Artane Castle shopping centre. They discuss how people can clear out their bric-a-brac and bring it to the upcoming car boot sale to earn a few euro and get to know the local traders. It is…

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Discovery Gospel Choir

Sabrina interviews ASHLING McCORMACK, musical director of the Discovery Gospel Choir, that are celebrating the 10th anniversary of this intercultural music project. They gather 16 different nationalities, with the fusion of different styles that this brings. They have shared stage with relevant Irish musicians like Sinead O’Connor, and have covered different songs like U2 apart from religious…

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The Women Who Kickbox For Irish Pride

SINEAD BEASLY and LISA HOWARD talk to Heidi Bedell about kickboxing at European level for the Irish team. Sinead is the proud holder of a World Association of Kickboxing Organisations (WAKO) Gold Medal. The girls talk about importance of confidence and focus in their training and the matches they enter. They also discuss the tremendous…

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“Where the streets have two names” book

Barbara Jennings interviews PATRICK BROCKLEBANK photographer and author of the book “Where the streets have two names”. This book is  documenting U2’s early days, as well as the rise of other groups who were part of Dublin’s music scene at that time, such as: the Virgin Prunes, The Blades, The Black Catholics, The Undertones and The Buzzcocks…

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Dublin Fire Brigade Protest

Near FM volunteer STELLA GEBAUER reports from the protests that took place the 9th of April to defend the work of the Dublin Fire Brigade. The workers are worried that the ambulance service could be taken from them and given to the National Ambulance Service; all the firefighters in Dublin are trained as paramedics and they defend…

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Sonairte Present “Grow it yourself” Workshops in Co Meath

TREVOR SARGENT of Sonairte Volunteer Centre joins Pat Meehan to discuss a number of “Grow it yourself” workshops taking place at Laytown, County Meath. They discuss Sonairte’s work over the last 25 years and some recent projects, including a recent “Foraging for Wild Food” course. Trevor tells Pat what will be covered in the upcoming…

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Five Lamps Arts Festival 2013 Live from Marino College, Dublin

Northside Today’s Noel McGuinness speaks to ROISIN LONERGAN, festival director for the the Five Lamps Arts Festival in Dublin’s North Strand. Roisin talks about the story behind the festival, the details and performers for this year’s festival, the choice of venues in the area, how the local community can get involved with the festival and…

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Intercultural Media Project 10-10-2011

PAT GUERIN has GRACE WILENTZ, Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media Coordinator at Near Media Co-op, talking on updates about the Intercultural Media Project at Near FM and the upcoming episode of “Culture Shots” …

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Make Your Nominations for National Volunteer Awards 2013

PHIL BOUGHTON of Volunteer Ireland speaks to Pat Meehan about the search for Volunteer of the Year for 2013. Phil urges listeners to nominate their own local heroes. The awards, now in their sixth year, are designed to highlight the great work done by good people all over Ireland. Each person nominated receives a personalised…

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Autumn At Axis: Cultural Highlights for Ballymun 2013

Barbara Jennings talks to Axis Centre director PHILLIP KEOGH in Ballymun to discuss their forthcoming autumn programme. Philip syas he is delighted at the huge demand for Axis event tickets, with audiences coming from near and far. They discuss “Positive Aging Week” which is being launched with live music and a movie screening. On the…

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Residents Against Racism

PAT GUERIN talks to ROSANNA FLYNN from Residents Against Racism, a group campaigning against all forms of racism in Ireland, on the history and activities of the group as well as the situation of asylum seekers in Ireland…

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