“Uprising” play by Smashing Times Theatre Company

Pat interviews PAUL NOLAN from Smashing Times Theatre Company, to talk about the play he’s involved in, called “Uprising”, about the difficulty of integrating the past with the present in relation to the comunities in the North. They always try to involve the listeners in the play, and they make a break in the middle to have…

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Great Selection of Evening Courses at Killester College

GER WHELAN of Killester College joins Yvette Reid to talk about the evening courses which the college offers. From Computers and guitar lessons to jewellery making and a geneaology and family history course. Ger highlights the FETAC accredited courses that are available and the forthcoming Open Evening. http://killestercollege.ie…

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Life From The College Point Of View: News From DCU

SARAH BERMINGHAM, news editor of DCU’s College View newspaper joins Sabrina Ryan to share what are the main topics of this weeks newspaper. Sarah tells that the main article deals with antisocial behaviour attributed to DCU students in the local neighbourhoods surrounding DCU. They discuss whether DCU students are as troublesome as some other institutions…

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Irish Georgian Society

Barbara speaks to DONNAGH CAHILL from the Irish Georgian Society. He talks about how the society works, the history of the building, the use of the building now including several exhibitions, the new initiatives they are to incorporate and the events they plan to hold in the future. He also talks about the exhibition rooms…

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2012: Another Year at Near – News Round-Up

Near Media Co-Op is a not-for-profit community media project. The project consists of Near FM and Near TV and works in platforms as diverse as computer training, drama production, assisting unsigned musicians and educational programming. Near FM broadcasts 24 hours a day over 365 days per year. We operate an open access policy and run…

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Near Death Experiences in Real Life Settings

DR PENNY SARTORI and ROBERT WILLIAMS talk to Mark Finnegan about near-death experiences. Dr Penny Sartori worked as a nurse in a British hospital for 21 years, 17 of those being in Intensive Care. She is highly experienced and skilled in her role as an intensive care staff nurse; and has conducted unique and extensive…

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The Exchange, Temple Bar

Barbara Jennings talks to SEAN at The Exchange in Temple Bar, which is an open space for people who like a variety of activities like Dance, Music, Arts, and Theatre.  They work as a collective/cooperative,  and are all volunteers. It is a Drugs and Alcohol free space. Barbara also speaks to SIOBHAN from Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, about…

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Social Justice Irelands views on how to invest in Irelands Future

MICHELLE MURPHY of Social Justice Ireland talks to Ger Leddin about a press release from the group Ireland has the lowest investment level of all 28 European countries. Michelle explains the findings of their research, finding that over the previous six years government investment has fallen over 40%. Michelle speaks of a lack on investment…

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DCU College View Students Newspaper

Sabrina interviews SARAH BERMINGHAM from the DCU College View Students Newspaper. They mention the latest issues covered in the paper, like the last referendum about the USI, that is always a controversial topic in DCU. They also mention another topic raising different opinions, as the Rag Week…

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Clontarf Area Tourism

John speaks to DENNIS MCINTYRE from the Clontarf Area Tourism Patrol and the Bram Stoker Museum. He talks about his background and interest with Clontarf, how he feels the area is underrated as a tourism area in Dublin, the ambition to set up a year round tourism centre in Clontarf, his disappointment on the little…

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