Anime Comes to Dublin City


American cartoonist, actor, and director CHUCK HUBER is in Dublin for the Anime Society’s Croke Park event.

For those who don’t know, anime is the generic name given to those Japanese cartoons, comics and cartoon films that feature big-eyed heroes and heroines and bug-eyed monsters and freaks. The ‘Manga’ comics also feature in a big way.

Chuck tries to explain the deep meaning and thrill that keeps people coming back for more anime and the exponential growth in this market. Does he succeed? Listen for yourself and find out.

Duration: 11'22" DATE: November 20, 2014
Interviewer:Pat Meehan
Producer:Pat Meehan
Interviewee:Chuck Huber
Themes:Local News
Keywords:Anime, Chuck Huber, Comix, Comics, Cartoons, Japanese, Croke Park
LocationCroke Park Time Period:2014
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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