Discussing the impact of growing class numbers at Primary school level


CATHERINE JOYCE of Barnardos speaks to Yvette Reid about the rising number of students per class at primary level combined with the lowering number of Special Needs assistant positions available at the time.

Catherine tells of how while in some schools this is not currently a problem there are many schools were the numbers have reached problem point, causing a downturn in the quality of care and help attributed to each individual student. They discuss the lower prevalence of the problem in Irish Language schools but how there is a larger problem occurring especially in more rural schools.

Catherine speaks of how the Department has had to make many cuts due to austerity at the time and encourages the government to examine the problem and come up with a solution to the issue. Catherine speaks of the need to treat education as a right and then.

Catherine also talks of the drop out risk factor for students when they reach secondary school, where they will have several teachers at any one time but not a consistent teacher monitoring their overall situation and guiding them through their studies.

Catherine speaks of some of the other services which Barnardos can provide both at a local and national level and encourages people to visit www.barnardos.ie for more information.

Duration: 05'06" DATE: September 16, 2013
Interviewer:Yvette Reid
Producer:Yvette Reid
Interviewee:Catherine Joyce
Themes:Irish Life & Culture
Keywords:rising pupil numbers per class, reduction of special needs assistants, student drop out rate, value of education, barnardos, catherine joyce,
LocationIreland Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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