Finglas Festival 2015 Proves That Enthusiasm Can Result In Success


Mark Finnegan is joined in studio by Director of the upcoming Finglas Festival 2015, SEAN MOONEY. Over the last couple of months a voluntary committee of enthusiastic and caring people of the community joined together to organize the Festival for July 2015. The Festival was a huge success in the past and with the hard work, commitment and dedication of a great deal of people, John and his team are confident it will be again. This will be a relatively busy schedule of events which will put Finglas well and truly back on the map and give everyone involved and the wider community something to be proud of and will represent Finglas in a very positive light.

Duration: 19'35" DATE: May 11, 2015
Interviewer:Mark Finnegan
Producer:Mark Finnegan
Interviewee:Sean Mooney
Themes:Community Events
Keywords:Finglas Festival, Community Events, Public Events, Entertainment
LocationFinglas Time Period:2015
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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