Community Law & Mediation’s 40th Anniversary


John speaks to JANE O’SULLIVAN from Community Law and Mediation about the 40th anniversary and the work of the CLM.

She talks about the background of the CLM including its foundation in 1975, the objectives of the CLM in areas such as housing and education, the ways they operate their clinic, examples of some of the clients that got help and some of the people involved in the community law centre.

She also talks about what training they provide for people including understanding of the legal system, the evening they had to celebrate their 40th anniversary that included the attendance of President Michael D. Higgins, how the law should belong to everyone, their work with other frontline organisations such as Citizens Information and the more extreme set of circumstances that the CLM may deal with.

She also talks about the volunteer mediators that support the service, the training that the volunteers would take, the enjoyment that she personally gets from her role in the organisation, how they try to keep connected to the community organisations and the feedback they get back from the clients.

Tel: 01 847 7804

Duration: 40'07" DATE: December 16, 2015
Interviewer:John Healy
Producer:John Healy
Interviewee:Jane O'Sullivan
Themes:Irish Life & Culture
Keywords:Community Law & Mediation, Anniversary, Law, Human Rights, Community Law Centre, Understanding Legal System, Frontline Organisations, Citizens Information, Volunteers,
LocationCoolock, Dublin Time Period:2015
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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