John Healy interviews RACHEL CUNNING accompanied by GERRY COOLEY. Rachel set her own business called Shampoodles, which is a dog grooming service. She’s talking about facing obstacles like starting a business, finding new clients, holding clients and about her job itself…
Noel McGuinness interviews Counselor DARRAGH BUTLER from the Fingal County Council about the factors influencing coastal erosion at Portrane and the alternative plans for Metro ...
14 Jan 2014
THERESA CASHEL from the Grange Woodbine Drama Group talks to Noel McGuinness about their 2015 production of ‘A Widow’s Paradise’. This play by Sam Cree is a farce in ...
16 Jun 2015
John speaks to CIARÁN MOORE from Dublin Community Television. They begin by explaining the difference between community television and commercial television. Ciarán explains how and where DCTV broadcasts, and then how the switch-over ...
24 Oct 2012
John Healy interviews RACHEL CUNNING accompanied by GERRY COOLEY. Rachel set her own business called Shampoodles, which is a dog grooming service. She’s talking about facing obstacles like starting ...
12 Feb 2014
NICK O’HARE from Medicare introduces Mark Finnegan to the new AMD technology for doctors. Out of hours doctors’ response times will be cut by two thirds in Ireland with ...
06 Jul 2015