John speaks to BARRY DOUGLAS from Hidden Hearing and GERRY COOLEY from the Near FM Business Partnership Initiative. They both talk about the reaction to the initiative, the importance of hearing checkups, the grants and benefits that may be available for people needing hearing aids, the possible variations and causes of tinnitus and how Hidden…
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Noel speaks to FERGUS SHEIL, a conductor involved in a series of short operas in public places in Dublin called “Things We Throw Away”. He speaks about how it ...
27 Jun 2014
Noel McGuinness interviews TERESA CASHIN from Grange Woodbine Drama Group about their upcoming production called The Space, running from Tuesday 6th May to Friday 9th May 2014. Written by Grainne Jordan ...
06 May 2014
PAUL MCCANN, Dublin Air Traffic Control Operations Manager speaks to Noel McGuinness about his work as part of the Irish Aviation Authority. On this occasion he joins Noel to ...
06 Sep 2013
Sabrina Ryan interviews COLM MAHER local author, who’s presenting his play called “Cleaners” premiered at the Axis in Ballymun: It’s a black comedy about two friends forced to compete ...
24 Feb 2014
EMER CALLAGHAN speaks to Noel McGuinness about the “Failte go London”, a service for young Irish moving to London. Emer talks of the services they provide to help Irish people ...
24 May 2013