Using Real Time Data Technology To Aid Crisis Mapping

Crisis Mapper PATRICK MEIER speaks to Eoin Drinan about his website, Patrick talks about the evolution of the idea over the previous five years,  some of the challenges of crisis mapping including its changes, the positive implications of bridging the time gap using a digital map instead of a physical map and how this feeds into the response…

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The Listen Project – A Place For Youths To Chat

HEIDI BEDELL of the Target Adult Education Centre speaks to John Healy about the launch of the Listen Project. Heidi talks about the history of the centre, the services and courses that they provide, the objection of the project, how people can get involved with the project and the current funding models for community services. Listen Project…

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Astronomy Ireland’s September Star-B-Q

Noel McGuinness talks to DAVID MOORE about ‘Star BQ’, taking place this September and what you can see in the sky tonight. Tonight, Saturn is visible just above the moon, and you’ll be able to see it with the naked eye. A half-decent telescope will reveal the rings, and with a good one, you’ll be able to…

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Poisoning of White Tailed Eagles, Ireland

LORCAN O’TOOLE of the Eagle Trust speaks to Noel McGuinness about the poisoning of Eagles in Ireland. Lorcan explains that in some cases farmers leave out poison aimed at Foxes and crows to protect cattle. They speak specifically of the poisoning of a White Tailed eagle. They then talk of the Eagle trusts work throughout…

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The Significant Seven play

John Healy speaks to DECLAN CAHILL of Riverside Drama group, Northside Partnership and Scoil Catriona.   Declan speaks of his involvement over the years in volunteering with groups, and more specifically about a production directed and written by Dennis Byrne called “The Significant Seven”. Declan speaks of the rehearsal process, the Drama groups experiences of hosting…

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2012: Another Year at Near – News Round-Up

Near Media Co-Op is a not-for-profit community media project. The project consists of Near FM and Near TV and works in platforms as diverse as computer training, drama production, assisting unsigned musicians and educational programming. Near FM broadcasts 24 hours a day over 365 days per year. We operate an open access policy and run…

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Culture Night Dublin 2013

AMAY VAN WYLICK, Coordinator for Culture Night speaks to Noel McGuinness in the run up to the event. They discuss some of the major attractions of the festival including a live concert with the RTE Concert Orchestra in Meeting House Square with guest spots by Julie Feeney and Lúnasa. We hear that there will be…

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The Trim Swift Satire Festival

Paula speaks to PADDY CULLIVAN about the Johnathan Swift inspired satire festival in Trim. They discuss the  origins of the festival, who is on the line up and what is in store for the audience. Paddy tells Paula about some of the acts who are performing including Barry Murphy, Dara O’Brian and a host of other…

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Radical Food Co Puts Nature on the Children’s Menu

Local entrepreneur TONY MONAHAN brings some samples of his company’s products in to be tested on air by Mark Finnegan. The Radical Food Company offers a range of oat and yoghurt-based snacks – that are low in fat, high in protein, and very tasty, apparently – that has grown from Tony and his wife Miriam’s…

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On Bolus Head: talking to the illustrator

BRIAN GORMLEY, artist joins Barbara Jennings to discuss a book he has been involved in which looks at the culture of Ireland and focuses on County Kerry. The book is called “On Bolus HEad” and is written with Michael Carter. Brian tells of how the literary tradition is so very alive in Ireland and talks…

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Young Community Leaders, meeting with President Higgins

Noel interviews SHANNON BAKER and STEVEN TURNER who met President Higgins in a celebration day of Young Community Leaders of the Northside partnership and other organizations, for their work at the Belmayne Clongriffin Family Fun Day. They explain how they got the chance to take part on the organization of this event and how positive…

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Artane Man Swimming To Scotland For Charity

Noel McGuinness talks to FERGAL SOMMERVILLE about swimming from Co. Down To Scotland in aid of Aislinn Adolescent Addiction Services. Fergal only took to long-distance swimming five years ago to help with his back problems. Since then he has swum the English Channel and done a number of other long-distance swims in aid of a…

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Santry Community Garden

Mark speaks to DONNA CALLAN from the Santry Community Garden She talks about the idea of gardeners of all levels being welcome, how she discovered the garden, the features and location of the garden and how they have tried different types of seeds to see if they grow in the garden. She also describes the…

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