A Visit To Bloom 2015 Blows The Cobwebs Away

PAT MEEHAN takes a trip round the Bloom 2015 Festival site interviewing exhibitors and visitors. Bloom in the Park is not only one of Ireland’s biggest annual tourist attractions, it is also one of the leading horticulture and food festivals which takes place each year over the June Bank Holiday. Bloom, which is organised by…

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Fergus Carroll talking sport

Noel Mc Guinness talks to FERGUS CARROLL about what’s being happening in the sports world. FERGUS reviews the weekend games which include the rugby’s six nations, the hurling match from Croke park between Dublin & Galway,   the latest news from the horse raising from leopardstown, & lots more…

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Claim our Future’s Plan B for fixing our economy

Ronnie O’Brien speaks to part of the group “Claiming our Future”. The group lobbies to create a more sustainable Ireland. They discuss the group’s “Plan B” (Plan A being the government’s plan to fix the economy). They speak about the details of the alternative plan that they have put together and the changes they would suggest…

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Dublin Harvest Festival at Wolfe Tone Square 2012

Eoin Drinan speaks to MARION KELLY [slight crackle on the phone] from the Harvest festival who explains what will be happening at the festival in Wolfe Tone Square. She speaks about the community growers sharing their skills as well as Dublin Council sharing views on how to conserve water and how to be more “green”…

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This Weeks Stories From The North Count Leader Paper

Noel Mc Guinness speaks to PATRICK FINNEGAN from the North  county leader paper to update us with the stories from this weeks issue. They start of  with the minister James Reilly who will open a new computer room for the youths of Swords, also about the new Lidl that will be opening & finally PATRICK…

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History of Moore Street

Pat Meehan talks to BARRY KENNERK about his new book, which is on the history of Moore Street entitled ‘Moore Street: The Story of Dublin’s Market District’. The book charts the history of Moore Street and the open fruit, vegetable and fish markets that made Moore Street famous. Pat and Barry also discuss the present day…

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Anam Cara Helping Bereaved Parents

Noel McGuinness talks to SHARON VARD, CEO of Anam Cara, a support group for parents who have lost children. The loss of a child is every Mum and Dad’s worst nightmare, the pain goes deep. Family and friends try to understand, and indeed are going through their own grieving process, but the only person who…

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Legislation against FMG Required

GRACE WILENTZ, NEAR FM Cultural Coordinator, and PEG McMANUS from the Intercultural Group tell Pat Meehan what’s coming up on the Culture Shots programme. A major issue under the microscope is FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). It is estimated that some 3000 women in Ireland have undergone this ritual, many of them being abducted in order…

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Local Drug Units being scrapped

STEVE RENN, Northside Councillor, talks about Local Drug Units being scrapped within the Guards. Steve believes it is a short sighted measure and will only add to drug addiction in underprivileged areas…

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Dublin Toy Fair – RDS 2013: A Preview

PATRICK O’SULLIVAN, organiser of the forthcoming Christmas 2013 Toy Fair at the RDS, joins John Healy to discuss some of the event’s highlights. Patrick says all the top toy manufacturers will be represented but says that it’s about much more than just the toys. It will be a fun day out where visitors can take…

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