Pyrite Campaign

JOHN HEALY speaks to PAT MEEHAN about pyrite in a Donnycarney complex & how Dublin City Council had to remove tenants from their homes & then rehouse them in another area…

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The Everyday Drama of a Kidney Transplant Patient’s Life

LISA HOWARD, who underwent a successful kidney transplant procedure in Beaumont Hospital last year talks to Heidi Bedell about the day-to-day tension of spending almost four years in dialysis and then going for an emergency operation that could be called off at any time until the stitches are put in. Heidi also peaks to LISA about…

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European Community Radio Stations Meet In Sheffield 2012

Representatives from Basque Country, France and Ireland met in Sheffield to shared their experiences on environmental content in Community Radio. The meeting was hosted by Sangita Basudev of Sheffield Live and attended by Susana Albarran of Radio Vallekas, Patrice Berger of Radio Pleuriel & Radio d’ici St. Julien Molin Molette, Mikel Etxebarria of Radio Kultura,…

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Live From The Leinster House Medical Cards Cuts Protest

FLAVIA GORETTA presents a series of vox pops from members of the public attending a protest at Leinster House. Older people in Ireland have recently been subject to medical card cuts as part of the government’s budget for 2013. They share their stories about the very real hardships these cuts impose upon them…

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Northside Partnership’s Preparing for Life Programme

John speaks to NOEL KELLY, the manager of the Northside Partnership’s Preparing for Life Programme “Pioneering Prevention Programme” for Children on Dublin’s Northside. He speaks about the objectives of the programme and how it started, the progress of the first parents and children that they were supporting when the programme started, how the families joined…

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Howth Coast Guard report

PAUL COOPER, Deputy Officer with the Howth Coast Guard, warns against people lighting Chinese lanterns, as they are being mistaken for distress flares. Paul asks members of the public to call the Coast Guard if they are about to light Chinese lanterns. Presenter Pat Meehan also asks Paul about the Coast Guard units in Ireland. Paul…

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St Bridgid’s Girls National School Glasnevin 6th Green Flag

Mark Finnegan speaks to EMILY,HOLLY,AVA, & MS EDWARDS from St Bridgid’s girls national school in Glasnevin. They tell us about green schools which is an educational programme for the whole school to learn about the environment. They talk about reduce,reuse,recycle & how they recycled used markers & made a rainbow out of them. They are…

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Introduction of “Free Wifi hotspots” in Dublin city centre

ANDREW SMYTH joins Pat Meehan to discuss “Free Wifi” spots being introduced to the main shopping thoroughfares in Dublin city centre and the positive implications of this. They talk of how sustainable keeping the hotspots as a “free service” might be and also discuss the benefits to wifi providers,through advertisement etc, being used to create…

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Kiruu, Singer/Songwriter

Noel speaks to KIERAN ALLEN (Kiruu), singer/songwriter. He talks about his background, how he started playing music, his involvement in different music projects to date, the diversity of his music, where you can find his music and what sort of music he listened to when he was younger. He plays his songs Sikupendi, a song about…

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Traditional Music from the EU concerts in Dublin

Noel McGuinness is joined in studio by PAUL LOUGHRAN and a number of musicians from the EU. It begins with a performance from the Hartz Mountain Yodellers. The musicians are in Dublin to perform a series of concerts which Paul gives all of the details for including a live broadcast on Near FM and subsequent…

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