What is “Storymap.ie”?

TOM ROWLEY, co founder of Storymap.ie speaks to Eoin Drinan about the purpose of the website. He explains how the website provides an ability for people to click online on a street (or via an app) and tap into stories about certain areas of that street. For a local it offers and opportunity to see…

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Folk and Transport Museum

Ger Leddin reports from Northern Ireland, where he has visited the Folk and Transport Museum in Hollywood. He interviews some staff members reenacting the old skills that blacksmiths would have had. He also interviews RUTH TURLINGTON, the Visitors Services Manager, about how they try to bring the visitors backin time…

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New Documentary Highlights Grey Seal’s Plight

BRENDAN PRICE of the Irish Seal Sanctuary talks to Noel McGuinness about a forthcoming documentary about the work of the Irish Seal Sanctuary. It hasn’t all been plain sailing for this animal charity, but the work continues with volunteers here working alongside professional conservationists to ensure that Irish seal colonies can continue to live wild,…

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Festival of Curiosity 2013 Summary

Festival Of Curiosity organizer, VINCENT MCCARTHY talks to Eoin Drinan to review the events from this year’s festival. Vincent talks about the success of previous festivals, their focus on the science and culture aspects of the festival, the highlights of the festival including a carnival in Smock Alley Theatre and a Lego exhibition in Temple…

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Flight Training Exhibition 2013: A Preview

IAN SEAGER joins Noel McGuinness to discuss the Flight Training Exhibition at the National Convention Centre. Ian talks about the purpose of the exhibition, how there’s no particular age group that would have to apply, how there is likely to be a shortage of airline pilots over the next few decades and how the technology…

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What is the Vinyl Library?

ELEANOR RENDALL joins Eoin Drinan to explain the idea behind the Vinyl library, based in London. She explains how the idea came about and that they are planning to open on the 1st of July 2013. The shop, which will act as a physical library of Vinyl, is accepting Vinyl from the public, which will…

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Dublin Roses’ Belarus Trip in Aid of Chernoble Children

Pat Meehan talks to Dublin Rose participant GEMMA ROSE O’BRIEN about trhe trip in aid of Chernobyl Children International. Over five days the Roses worked in an orphanage that looks after children wirth special needs. They played with children and cared for them. Some 30,000 children are affected by problems resulting from the infamous nuclear…

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Poor Creche Care Concerns Working Parents

EMMA NOLAN, Organiser of the Maternity and Infant Awards joins Yvette Reid in studio to discuss recently released statistics that suggest some 80% of parents are concerned about the quality of care in creches. Emma says parents paying up to €1200 per month for creche care and many of them feel that too much time…

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What Is Involved In Economics?

TONY WEEKES is an Economics lecturer who is involved in the Maynooth University Communiversity Project. He talks to Northside Today’s Noel McGuinness about the purpose of ‘the economy’ and discusses what is wrong with the present economic system. Tony talks about the reaction and participation of the Communiversity project in the past 4 years, what type of…

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Sight Loss

RONNIE O’BRIEN speaks with Des Kenny, who is CEO of the National Agency of Working for People with Sight Loss. Des speaks about making a case to the government for the investment of eye care in the form of treatment & how in the long run we can save money by doing this…

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National Academy of Dramatic Art at the Lir Theatre, Dublin

RACHEL O’BYRNE of the Lir Theatre speaks to Noel McGuinness about the theatre’s graduate programme and their new production of “Mary Stewart” – a very modern adaptation of an old play, covering the last few days of the Queen of Scots at the Lir Theatre until December 4. Rachel tells Noel about the history of…

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