JOHN HEALY speaks with PAT MC CORMACK, who is a parent of a child who attends Achieve ABA school in Donaghmede for autistic children. The government have closed down the school & the funding was cut. Pat recounts his story…
FLAC’s 8th Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture
FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres Ltd) invited renowned US public interest lawyer BRYAN STEVENSON to speak at this year’s Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture. Mr STEVENSON’s speech brought home some very powerful points about justice in the US that have great relevance for us here in Ireland. The justice and imprisonment statistics in the US are…
Problems on the International Space Station
DAVID MOORE of Astronomy Ireland speaks to Noel McGuinness about the night sky in December 2013. David says this time of year is very interesting with the winter solstice having taken place just three days ago. He tells us which constellations are visible at this time and the number of planets that are visible. The…
“The Aftermath”
PAULA WISEMAN talks to JOHNNY CRONIN from the band “The Aftermath” about their music, their latest gigs and their new album…

Erase Racism Photography exhibition
LUKE BOKHA of the Anti Racism Network of Ireland speaks to Eoin Drinan about the Erase Racism exhibition, launched on the 19th March 2013. Luke explains what the purpose of the exhibition is, as part of the European week against racism. They speak about 21st of March being a day set a side by the…

Life And Experiences Of Paddy Duffy
Noel speaks to PADDY DUFFY, author and broadcaster. He talks about how his first novel came about thanks to a theme that came from the news at the time, what encouraged him to write the book, his concerns about young people’s general interest in politics, his beliefs on the Irish identity and his involvement in various…
Pro Jobsbridge and Gateway Schemes
Pat interviews NOEL ROCK from Fine Gael, who is for the Jobsbridge and Gateway Schemes. He finds that even not being ideal they help young people to get experience and confidence and also keep them in the tax system.He accepts that there should be regulations so the employers don’t take advantage of this situations, so they…
Crisis in Iraq
JIM ROCHE of the Irish Anti-War Movement talks to Pat Meehan about the growing threat of war in the Middle East and the part that The US an UK governments are playing in arming the potential antagonists using ISIS as a catalyst. Oil is a major motivator in this political manouevering says JIM. And the…
A Locksmiths tips and stories
Noel McGuinness speaks to DAVID NEVILLE about being a Locksmith. They discuss the trade, how he got involved with the business and how to become a locksmith. They look at they advances in Lock technology and how this is helpful in preventing burglary. We hear some of the ways that the general public can improve…
Stardust Families staging sit-in at Government Buildings
Noel McGuinness interviews JOHN LYONS from People Before Profit about the Families from the Stardust Fire. The Stardust Fire left 48 dead young people. The families of that victims are searching for justice for so many years, but haven’t found it so far. Fighting for justice they’re getting in contact with the Government to set…
The Incredible Edible healthy eating month
YVONNE WHELAN of Scoil Catriona joins John Healy to discuss the “Incredible Edible Healthy Eating Month”, an initiative to encourage the growing of vegetables in the school environment. Yvonne shares with us how the children get involved with growing vegetables and complete five tasks over the course of the growth process, with the purpose being…

Save our Dunes campaign
MAIRE O’BRIEN from the Portmarnock Community Association makes an appeal to individuals and sports clubs not to use the dunes for sporting activities, as it is having an adverse effect on the dunes. By running up and down the dunes, people are breaking up the dunes and taking away the grasses. The sand then blows the…

Irish Girl Guides book launch
Pat Meehan speaks to CATHERINE O’CONNOR, the support officer from the Irish Girl Guides about a new book that they have launched. The book is about disseminating the Millennium Development Goals to young people by making them young person friendly. Catherine also discusses the background of the Irish Girl Guides and what they do, including giving…
Hurry Down To Rush For The Harbour Festival 2015
The much anticipated Rush Harbour Festival kicks off on Friday, 31st July and is jam packed with lots of activities for all ages. The official opening is at 7pm with St Maur’s Pipe Band followed by an energetic display of drumming from the Japanese drummers. ANNE McCrUDDEN tells Mark Finnegan more. There will be some…
Live from the Water protests – Clare Hall
NOEL McGUINNESS reports live from a water charge protest in Clare Hall. The police have been in attendance since early morning but seem somewhat ineffectual. The residents of Clare Hall and the Irish Water workers are in a stand-off position…