Enda Kenny: Budget 2013 and the Central Statistics Office

Taoiseach ENDA KENNY speaks to Ger Leddin about the CSO figures released the week before and whether the figures will have a bearing on the 2013 budget. The Taoiseach says that, while the figures are encouraging, they will have very little bearing on the budget. Mr Kenny also says that the country is “in the…

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“This is Banter” On Tour: Jim Carroll In Studio

JIM CARROLL, journalist with the Irish Times, speaks to Eoin Drinan about his series of live talks and discussions entitled “This is Banter”. The series is a live spin-off from a radio series in which people are involved in freewheeling conversations on topics of the day. The events are taking place all round Ireland…

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Culture Night 2013

AMY VAN WYLICH joins Eoin Drinan to speak about the upcoming events as part of Culture night 2013. Amy speaks of how the festival has grown over the previous eight years, with 2013 featuring over 200 different venues. Highlights are RTE Concert Orchestra in Meeting House Square and also the National Photographic archives hosting an…

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Ranelagh Arts festival 2013

CONOR MCDEVITT of the Ranelagh arts festival joins Eoin Drinan to discuss the events of this years festival. They speak of bringing fifty artists from India who will demonstrate their skills in palm leaf and wood carving. There will also be many theatrical events including a play called “The Crossing” staged outside the village market…

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Dublin Festival of History 2013

Tara Doyle, organiser of the Dublin Festival of History, joins Eoin Drinan to discuss this year’s programme of events. Tara says the idea is to create spaces for people to attend workshops with authors and historians and talk around historical topics. Tara says there has been a lot of interest from people travelling to Ireland…

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A German Perspective on Irish Cycling Culture

JOACHIM HOCHSTEIN, Cycling Policy Adviser for the city of Frankfurt in Germany, speaks to Eoin Drinan about the difference in the ways cycling policies are implemented in Germany and Ireland. Joachim’s initial impressions of the health of cycling infrastructure in Dublin city are positive. He sees many cyclists on the streets regardless of the weather…

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Exploring the Aural World: Sound Art at MOMA, New York

BARBARA LONDON, an associate curator at the Museum Of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York City joins Eoin Drinan to discuss a new sound art exhibition taking place there. Barbara explains what sound art is, and the problems inherent in staging a sound exhibition in a space geared towards visual art. As an industrial society…

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Voting to reform Seanad Eireann

ARTHUR GRIFFIN, vice president of Fianna Fail joins Ger Leddin to discuss the proposed abolition of Seanad Eireann. Arthur speaks of the parties support for the reform of the Seanad and suggests that the current government’s plan is an attempt at a “Power grab”. They discuss the prominence of a call for Dail reform. Arthur speaks of…

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Near FM’s culture night broadcast 2013

PAUL LOUGHRAN of NEAR FM joins Noel McGuinness to outline NEAR FM’s involvement with Culture night 2013 and the events that they will be facilitating on the night. Paul tells that the station will be broadcasting live from the Hugh Lane Gallery and will be broadcast live across a number of Dublin Community stations. Paul…

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Delays to the Ballymun regeneration project

NOEL ROCK, local representative joins Yvette Reid to discuss developments with the Ballymun Regeneration project. Noel tells of the original plans for the project, which were made during the Fianna Fail government of the late 1990’s, including parks, and new amenities for the area. At the time Noel speaks of how these have not come…

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Ossia Youth Choir

CARMEL WHELAN joins Noel McGuinness to talk about the Ossia Youth Choir. They begin by discussing the beginnings of the choir, which Carmel set up. With participants aged between 9 and 16 years of age there are on average thirty members of the choir at any one time. With no previous experience needed the choir…

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Culture Night Dublin 2013

AMAY VAN WYLICK, Coordinator for Culture Night speaks to Noel McGuinness in the run up to the event. They discuss some of the major attractions of the festival including a live concert with the RTE Concert Orchestra in Meeting House Square with guest spots by Julie Feeney and Lúnasa. We hear that there will be…

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Learning about the Nine exhibition at LAB, Foley Street.

LYNN MCGRANE joins Noel McGuinness to discuss the NINE exhibition. Lynn begins by detailing the conception of the exhibition and also speaks about the LAB space, based in Foley Street and it’s purpose as a basis for new contemporary visual artists. We hear that the exhibition features works by a number of artists who look…

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