What is the Dot Conference?


DEREK TORMEY of the Dot Conference joins Eoin Drinan on the phone line to explain the purpose of the digital conference running since 2009. It’s a mixture of speakers shaing information on the industry. Derek speaks about how the conference has grown over the four years thus far and speaks about some of the speakers such as Claire Redmond of FAI, Andrea Minorski of Batcat games, Naoise MacNally of One Fab Day and James Welton of Coder Dojo. They also have John Morder of “Rage against the  Machine/Xfactor” fame.

Derek speaks about getting a very diverse range of people attending both in interests and in age range before detailing his expectations for the future of the conference over the coming years.

Duration: 04'11" DATE: June 27, 2013
Interviewer:Eoin Drinan
Producer:Eoin Drinan
Interviewee:Derek Tormey
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Local News
Keywords:dot conference, derek tormey, technology conference, nci ireland, festival of technology, digital conference,
LocationDublin,Ireland Time Period:2013
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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