Art Gallery 27

Barbara Jennings speaks to artist MARTY GASCON from gallery 27. MARTY is a make up artist & studied in Ballyfermot college doing three dimensional in sculpture. She speaks about  her work , working with real life models & how she actually paints on to the model’s body & the results are amazing…

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Live from the Origin Gallery

Barbara Jennings reports from the Origin  Gallery where she speaks to NOELLE CAMPBELL SHARPE about the hotels exhibition tour taking place all around Dublin. Some of the city’s top hotels have great art collections which are being opened to the public. There are works by artists as diverse as Yeat and O’Connor to more contemporary…

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Pebbledash house at Collins Barracks

Artist and town planner PAUL KEARNS discusses and exhibition and book ‘Beyond Pebbledash’, which sees a full-size pebbledash house erected in Collins Barracks. The exhibition is aimed at teenage people who live in Dublin. Those who live in the suburbs are aksked what they like and dislike about this, and those who live in the…

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“Sleepwalkers” exhibition @ Hugh Lane Gallery

Noel McGuinness interviews GAVIN MURPHY  an Irish artist, who’s presenting his latest exhibition “Sleepwalkers” at the Hugh Lane Gallery. He talks about his relationship with the gallery, as he has done research about the Gallery for this new exhibition and the role of the citizens of Dublin on the Gallery…

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Civic Centre Hosts Service Providers’ Expo

Noel McGuinness reports live from the 2012 service providers exhibition in the Civic Centre on Bunratty Drive. In attendance are representatives from the credit union organisation who will be giving workshops on money management, demonstrating ways to help people save for homes and holidays in a relatively pain-free way. Noel also talks to a representative…

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Local Artist

BARBARA JENNINGS speaks to local artist PADRAIG PARLE about an exhibition taking place in the Origin Gallery in Dublin city centre . He talks about his paintings, which are a take on the celtic tiger…

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