The Real Cost Of Education In Ireland

JUNE TINSLEY from Barnardos speaks to John Healy about the real cost of education in Ireland. June talks about the average costs for parents with children returning to school according to a survey, how the introduction of book rental schemes could cut these costs, the issue of school books becoming out of date due to revised editions…

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Educate Together

MARY ROSSITER speaks with Pat Meehan about the campaign to launch a new ‘Educate Together’ school in Clontarf/Fairview area. The closest ‘Educate Together’ school is currently in Glasnevin. Mary represents a group of parents in the area who are working with ‘Educate Together’ to lobby the Department of Education for a new ET school in…

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Pyrite in Northside Schools

CIARAN DENISON TD talks to Pat Meehan about the Pyrite affecting the foundations of three Northside schools. Fixing the problem could cost the schools and the Department of Education millions of euros. The department are carrying out a risk assessment on local schools. Ciaran asks that other public bodies carry out similar risk assessments for…

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