Walmer College Holistic Centre 25th anniversary

Barbara speaks to LAURA at Walmer College and Holistic Centre, who teaches a number of holistic disciplines. She explains her understanding of the mind body connection and how Humans manifest the mental stresses of life in their physical body. She spoke of the products which they produce and sell on site…

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Save our Dunes campaign

MAIRE O’BRIEN from the Portmarnock Community Association makes an appeal to individuals and sports clubs not to use the dunes for sporting activities, as it is having an adverse effect on the dunes. By running up and down the dunes, people are breaking up the dunes and taking away the grasses.  The sand then blows the…

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Katie Taylor Brings Olympic Gold to Dublin

Noel McGuinness talks to Head of Near FM’s sports department, FERGUS CARROLL after Katie Taylor winning her Olympic Gold. Two weeks after the event, Bray is still covered in posters and flags celebrating Taylor’s victory. She is no stranger to the Northside, having taken part in Colaiste Dulaigh’s ‘Skipathon’ event the previous year. The boys…

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Festival of Irish Language at Axis, Ballymun.

NIAMH NI CHONCHUBHAIR talks to Noel McGuinness about the Festival of Irish Language taking place in Axis, Ballymun. As part of Borradh Buan Irish Language Festival which will take place in Ballymun from 15-27 October 2012 Mouth on Fire Theatre Company will stage the world premiere of ‘Blogh’, the Irish language translation of ‘Rough for…

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Digital Technology and the learning process

PATRICIA WROE speaks to Ronnie O’Brien about possible changes to the Junior Certificate curriculum with particular emphasis on Digital Technology. They discuss the requirements of what employers are looking for and cross reference that with the desired learning outcomes of the Junior Certificate. They talk of the intended framework of the certificate including the skill…

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Pensioners Receive Pension Tax Bills by Post

MAIREAD HAYES of the Senior Citizens’ parliament discusses the taxing of state pensions with NOEL McGuinness. Under new rules under Section 261, the Department of Social Protection has started taxing State Pensions regardless of the marital status or health status of those in receipt of the pensions. In some cases the sums are as low…

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A New European Aid Fund for the Most Deprived.

EMER COSTELLO talks to Inaki Irigoen about the new fund for European Aid to the most deprived. They begin by explaining how the fund will enable NGOs to provide food and assistance to those most in need. Ireland will receive €3 million per year for the next seven years from the fund…

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Local Artist

BARBARA JENNINGS speaks to local artist PADRAIG PARLE about an exhibition taking place in the Origin Gallery in Dublin city centre . He talks about his paintings, which are a take on the celtic tiger…

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Irish/Polish Film Festival 2011

Noel interviews ANNA POSPIESZYNSKA, who explains how they decided to create the Irish/ Polish Film Festival in Filmbase, Curved Street, as a pilot inside the bigger Play Poland festival happening in different cities around UK, with the main goal of promoting independent films and filmmakers…

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Radio and TV as Learning Resources Conference

The BAI funded Radio and TV as Learning Resources Conference took place in the Teachers Club, Dublin on Saturday 7th November 2015 . The focus of the conference was on an exchange of views and experiences between media and education practitioners to explore how community media can produce social benefit type content, of a broadly educational nature. Flavia…

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Global Success for the Play “Drums and Guns” about WW1

CONOR HANRATTY talks to Noel McGuinness about “Drums and Guns”, a production that commemorates World War 1 and the Easter Rising. It features students from the Royal Irish Academy of Music, The Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London and New York, the play was played in all three cities. It consists of different…

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Rescuing Seals That Get Stranded By Storms

BRENDAN PRICE from the Irish Seal Sanctuary talks to Noel McGuinness about the organisation’s work. The Irish Seal Sanctuary is a professionally run Wildlife Hospital, Rescue and Rehabilitation Facility. It is a registered charity and to date has received no State or Government grant or funding. It is sustained entirely by voluntary effort and financed…

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Women’s Aid

John Healy speaks to LINDA SMITH who is the  helpline manager with  Women’s Aid , she talks about the 2 in 2u  campaign & she highlights the relaunch of the campaign.  LINDA talks about how young women can protect themselves when they are on line using social networks sites…

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Learning about YAM.ie

VICTORIA DURRER joins Paula Wiseman to discuss the website Yam.ie which stands for Your Arts Map. Victoria tells how the website aims to spread the word about arts and cultural events being organised in the city. The Site also links up with a transportation website called hittheroad.ie which maps how to get from your current…

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