NOEL MC GUINNESS talks to DAVID MOORE regarding the Break-up of a Meteor over the east of Ireland. The huge fireball event was seen by many but reported by few. The pair also discuss the passing of Apollo astronaut Neil Armstrong – the first man on the moon. An Irish Man’s discovery of his 2nd…

Irish Girl Guides book launch
Pat Meehan speaks to CATHERINE O’CONNOR, the support officer from the Irish Girl Guides about a new book that they have launched. The book is about disseminating the Millennium Development Goals to young people by making them young person friendly. Catherine also discusses the background of the Irish Girl Guides and what they do, including giving…
Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland on International Womens Day 2013
ELIZABETH of the Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland joins Ronnie O’Brien to discuss their involvment in International Womens day. He begins by asking what drew her to the muslim faith. They move on to speak of Educational programmes provided by the Cultural Centre before moving on to discuss the Hijab and the Burka associated with…
New shows and projects at Near FM
Noel McGuinness interviews DAVE O’CONNOR from Near Media Co-op about the new shows coming up at Near FM and the different projects both Near Fm and Near TV are taking part in at the moment…
First conference of Parish of the Travelling People
Ronnie speaks to FATHER DEREK FARRELL about how the conference went and what they hope to achieve in the time between this conference and the next conference. Father Derek spoke of how integrated the travelling community are to the parish and their relationship with the local church…
American Country Singer Casey Black
Amanda Ni Ghabhann interviews American country singer CASEY BLACK, who will be at Whelans on May 20th along with Niall Connolly. He plays three live songs: “Happiness” @ 4’55”, “Flowers” @ 21’31” and “Museum made of Glass” @ 29’18”…
Photo book “Finglas through the eyes of its people”
Pat Meehan speaks to DARREN KINSELLA about the book “Finglas through the eyes of its people”. They discuss where the idea for the book came from. They discuss some of the forty plus portraits featured within the book and discusses some of the stories behind the people featured in the portraits. We hear where…
Protest against Corrib Gas Project
Mark Finnegan chats with RUARI MCKIERAN a social campaigner about the Corrib gas project. The Corrib gas project cuts to the core of this republic and asks big questions about how the country is run. For more than 10 years now, campaigners have attempted to highlight the project’s many flaws. It had been one of…

Junior Entrepreneur Programme for Junior Dragons
John Healy and Fiona Nolan talk to AIDEEN TROY of the Junior Entrepreneur Programme who are calling on all North County Dublin Schools and Parents to get involved in the free Entrepreneurship Programme on Near FM’s Northside Today…
Disability Federation Ireland about their Federation
Conor Doyle chats to MARTIN NAUGHTON – Disability Federation of Ireland.- about the appointment of Finian McGrath TD as Minister of State with Responsibility for Disabilities. Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) is the national support organisation for voluntary disability organisations in Ireland who provide services to people with disabilities and disabling conditions: Hidden, Intellectual, Mental Health,…
Try Anything Twice With Grange Woodbine Drama Group
Following its sell-out night-night run in April in Chicago, William Rocke’s hilarious, laugh-a-line comedy ‘ Try Anything Twice!; is being directed by Phil Monaghan, who acted in its recent run for Grange Woodbine Drama Group in Raheny, and in the original 11 week run at at the Regency. Group Director THERESA CASHEN and author WILLIAM…
“New Axis” Mixed Media Exhibition at the Talbot Gallery 2013
OLIVE BARRETT speaks to Paula Wiseman about an exhibition taking place in the Talbot Gallery featuring photographersKaren Forester,Austin Hearn, Louise Marlboro and painter John Moore as well as Olives own work. It is a mixed media exhibition. Olive shares her own background and then speaks of the process of designing an exhibition including applying through…
Could an Icelandic Approach Work in Ireland’s Economy?
Professor TOTI MATTIESSEN joins Ger Leddin to discuss the recovery of the Icelandic economy. Professor Mattiessen also publicises his forthcoming coming talk in Dublin. We hear how the Icelanders dealt with their economic recovery by sending their banks into receivership. They contrast the Irish economic situation with the Icelandic response. Professor Mattiessen makes some observations…
Festival of Flowers in Malahide
VICTOR BLACK, director of the Festival of Flowers in St Doolough’s Church in Malahide talks to Pat about the logistical problems involved in putting together a top-class floral event. This 2014 Malahide show brought together top flower arrangers from all over Ireland to display their art to a very wide audience. The international flower show…
Near Death Experiences in Real Life Settings (PART 2)
(PART 2) DR PENNY SARTORI and ROBERT WILLIAMS talk to Mark Finnegan about near-death experiences. Dr Penny Sartori worked as a nurse in a British hospital for 21 years, 17 of those being in Intensive Care. She is highly experienced and skilled in her role as an intensive care staff nurse; and has conducted unique…