What is the “One Percent Difference” philanthropic campaign?

SEAMUS MULCONRY, Executive Director of Philanthropy Ireland speaks with Pat about the “One Percent Difference” campaign, where you are asked to give one percent of your time or money to a cause which you can believe in. Seamus talks about the pros of volunteering time for sports and other organisations in Ireland, the generosity of Irish people as…

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Quit Smoking

BARBARA JENNINGS speaks to BERNIE MC DERMOT from the Bell Centre in Darndale about a programme they have for helping people to quit smoking…

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Great Music in Irish Houses 2012

Barbara speaks to LAURIE CARR about “Great Music in Irish houses” over the summer of 2012.  She spoke of the beautiful houses that they have held music events in, including Kilruddery House, The College of Surgeons as well as the National Concert Hall.  Laurie spoke about the  composer Steve Reich, whose percussion piece “drumming” will be performed…

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DCTV and the Irish TV Digital “Switch-over”

John speaks to CIARÁN MOORE from Dublin Community Television. They begin by explaining the difference between community television and commercial television. Ciarán explains how and where DCTV broadcasts, and then how the switch-over to digital will affect the station as well as what it is likely to change with the digital introduction. Ciarán explains what has happened in the…

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History of Doras Bui

  Mark Finnegan speaks to LINDA DEVLIN, a community development worker with Doras Bui. LINDA talks about the history of Doras Bui, including how was set up by lone parents nearly thirty years ago, it’s affordable childcare if you are receiving a social welfare payment and the support service provided for teen parents to help them financially…

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Good news from Middle East

Baldoyle student SCOTT LEESON doing work experience at nearFM was tasked with finding some good news from the Middle East. He obliged with pieces about a Bridal Fashion designer going to international competition in Dubai, and a circus school in Palestine. And there’s more for good news junkies!…

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A New Dimension For Irish Storytelling

The theatre company Guthanna Binne Síoraí announced that their bilingual show Guthanna Síoraí/Everlasting Voices, would be staged in Dublin. The show takes its inspiration from the poetry of three Nobel prize-winning writers: Seamus Heaney, W.B. Yeats and Samuel Beckett. Music, song and dance are used to present their work in both Irish and English. Guthanna…

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Exhibit in Doorway Gallery

Barbara speaks to artist CHRISTY KEENEY who is having an exhibit in the Doorway Gallery, Frederick Street South, Dublin 2. He talks about the details of the exhibit, his origins with painting, his interest in ceramics and how he applies his work on ceramics through the influence of a college art teacher. He also talks about…

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Marriage Equality Organisation “LGBT Parents” training event.

Pat Meehan speaks to MONINNE GRIFFITH of the Marriage Equality organisation about amazing young people with LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) parents and the campaign for marriage equality. They begin with Monnine explaining what is part of the campaign including workshops and working in the community trying to increase awareness of LGBT families in…

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Fingal County Council Archives – Project about family history 1916

Conor Doyle speaks to JACINTA JUDGE, Oral History Collector- Fingal County Council Archives about their project to audio record the stories family and friends who took part in the 1916 Rising. Valuable historical and personal information can now be accessed through this oral history collection. Not alone are personal experiences during Easter Week 1916 described…

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Moore Street

BARBARA JENNINGS speaks to traders Margaret, Stephen & Marie from Moore Street about how the street has changed over the years & about the cost & struggle of keeping a stall going in Moore Street today…

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New Communities Partnership about migrant right to vote in the General Election 2016

RARES-MIHAI NICULA New Communities Partnership with Noel McGuinness talking about migrants rights, election 2016 and appealing to migrants to use their voting rights. NCP first came together 13 years ago as a coalition of several migrant background groups to help up migrants with their needs. NCP helps migrants in Dublin and nationwide to deal with…

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News Round Up – Current Affairs With Brian Moss

BRIAN MOSS, journalist, joins Sabrina Ryan to discuss current events. They start with the sales of Monty Python tickets and move on to the recent Ireland vs All Blacks rugby game at Lansdowne Road. Brian assesses the Irish team and declares himself hopeful about prospects for next year’s Six Nations tournament. They also talk about…

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Accessing the success of “The Gathering”

FIONAN NESTOR, engagement manager with “The Gathering” joins John Healy to discuss how the gathering has been going over the course of the year. The Gathering has helped tourism number increase by a massive seven percent in the first eight months of the year. They discuss who organises the individual events and Fionan tells John that it…

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Communities Against Cuts

DAVE CONNOLLY from Communities Against Cuts came onto Northside Today to speak to presenter Pat Meehan about the Communities Against Cuts campaign. They talk about the collaboration of community leaders in responding to government cuts at both local and community levels. Many community organisations have had cuts in funding, including the Community Employment programme…

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