Rhythms of the Port (Part 1)

Noel McGuinness visits the Rhythms of the Port exhibition on Sir John Rogerson’s Quay near Ringsend and chats with artist MAURA SWEENEY and NOEL BYRNE of the Dockworkers’ Preservation Society…

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Gillian Bird DSPCA Caring For Animals At Eater

Noel Mc Guinness speaks to GILLIAN BIRD from the DSPCA about caring for animals at easter. She speaks about the danger of animals eating chocolate & how harmful it can be to our pets & also how lyllie’s  can be very dangerous to cats. GILLIAN talks about the work they do in the DSPCA which…

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“Revolutionary states: Home Rule in Modern Ireland” exhibition

Ronnie O’Brien speaks to LOGAN SISLEY curator at The Hugh Lane Gallery who explains their exhibition “Revolutionary states: Home Rule in Modern Ireland” held in collaboration with Dublintellectual. In particular they discuss an upcoming debate which is the focus of the exhibition and which will feature four members of different Universities in Dublin. They speak…

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The Significant Seven play

John Healy speaks to DECLAN CAHILL of Riverside Drama group, Northside Partnership and Scoil Catriona.   Declan speaks of his involvement over the years in volunteering with groups, and more specifically about a production directed and written by Dennis Byrne called “The Significant Seven”. Declan speaks of the rehearsal process, the Drama groups experiences of hosting…

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Launch Of The Early Legal Advice Manual For Migrants.

Mark speaks to BRIAN COLLINS, senior solicitor for the Refugee Council of Ireland about the launch of the Early Legal Advice Manual for Migrants. He talks about the idea behind the manual, the assistance they provide for people going through claims, the interpretation for some cases where the applicants don’t speak English and how the asylum process…

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World Ghost Convention

Pat speaks to CATHERINE MCCOURTNEY about the World Ghost Convention in Cork. She talks about the details of the convention, the guest speakers who will be speaking during the convention, her involvement in the convention, her beliefs on the speaker’s abilities and how everyone can have their own perspective on spirits or ghosts. She also…

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Problems on the International Space Station

DAVID MOORE of Astronomy Ireland speaks to Noel McGuinness about the night sky in December 2013. David says this time of year is very interesting with the winter solstice having taken place just three days ago. He tells us which constellations are visible at this time and the number of planets that are visible. The…

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Pearse House Photography Exhibition: Council Flats in the 1930s

Photographer JEANETTE LOWE joins Noel McGuinness to discuss the launch of her latest photo exhibition, which is being opened by the Lord Mayor of Dublin in Meeting House Square in Temple Bar. The exhibition is connected to a project revolving around the restoration of a dwelling in the Pearse House flats to its original 1930s…

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The Curtain Goes Up On NearFM’s New Arts Show

DECLAN CAHILL and MICHAEL SHARPE talk to Mark Finnegan about their new Near FM show ‘Curtain UP’. If you love the Arts and all that it entails then tune in to ‘Curtain Up’ on http://nearfm.ie/livestream/ from Sat 22nd August 2015 and every Saturday morning from 11.30am to 12.30pm. ‘Curtain Up’ is an Arts Program which…

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History of Moore Street

Pat Meehan talks to BARRY KENNERK about his new book, which is on the history of Moore Street entitled ‘Moore Street: The Story of Dublin’s Market District’. The book charts the history of Moore Street and the open fruit, vegetable and fish markets that made Moore Street famous. Pat and Barry also discuss the present day…

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