World Ghost Convention

Pat speaks to CATHERINE MCCOURTNEY about the World Ghost Convention in Cork. She talks about the details of the convention, the guest speakers who will be speaking during the convention, her involvement in the convention, her beliefs on the speaker’s abilities and how everyone can have their own perspective on spirits or ghosts. She also…

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Art on Dublin City Council Utility Boxes in Fairview

Pat speaks to ANNE & MARION who are involved in painting art on Dublin City Council utility boxes in Fairview. They talk about what they painted on the boxes, the stories behind some of the paintings, their involvement in their local art group in Marino, the enjoyment they got from the project, the time put into…

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2nd Annual Street Stories History Festival

Pat speaks to MARY MULDOWNEY about the 2nd annual Street Stories History Festival taking place in Stoneybatter and Smithfield. She talks about the 1916 theme of the festival, how Joe Duffy has helped with the festival, the content of some of the articles they plan to publish during the festival, the organisation of the festival…

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Art Pieces in Grogan’s Bar

Barbara speaks to TOMMY SMITH from Grogan’s Bar in South William Street. He talks about the development of the pub, the art pieces of displays from artists such as Brian McMahon and Tom Matthews, the idea behind the art being displayed in the pub, how a new art piece is put up in the pub…

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Vigil for Homelessness Outside the Dail

Flavia speaks to several people during the Vigil for Homelessness outside the Dail. She firstly speaks with DARREN BRADLEY from March for the Homeless. He talks about the idea behind the protest, why it’s important that something should be done to prevent homeless people from dying on the streets and his outrage about the government’s…

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Victims Of Abuse On Camping Trips In The 70’s and 80’s

Noel speaks to COLM BRACKEN and PAUL O’TOOLE who were victims of abuse on camping trips in the 70’s and 80’s. They talk about how proud they feel now after finally getting justice from their experiences, their thoughts about how all these other cases are brought to attention, especially involving the church, their outrage over how…

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Emerging Bands Night

Mark speaks with KIERAN DOYLE and TOMMY DOLAN from the Behaviours, who are taking part and organising the Emerging Bands Nights in the Annesley House on 24th October 2015. They talk about what they have been up to since they released their EP, the idea behind the event, who they brought in for the bands…

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Young Scientist Speaking at Day Of The Girl Event

Fiona Murdoch from the Irish Girl Guides spoke to EMER HICKEY, Young Scientist Winner & Irish Girl Guides Member at the International Day of the Girl Event that took place on the 11th October 2015 in the Irish Film Institute, Dublin. She talks about the film “Girl Rising” which she saw as an eye opener…

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Education For All Fair

John speaks to several people at the Education For All Fair at Parnell’s GAA Club, Coolock. John firstly speaks with PAUL HAYES from the Northside Partnership. He talks about the organisation put into the fair, the amount of schools participating in the fair and the idea of the defense forces participating. John then speaks with…

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Lingo Festival

Conor speaks to STEPHEN SMITH, organiser of the Lingo Festival. He talks about the idea behind of the festival, the locations of the festival, some of the musicians, poets and actors performing and the variety of different events. He also talks about his inspirations as a poet himself and the feedback from the previous festivals…

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New Badminton Premier League Starting

Conor speaks with DAVID MURPHY from Leinster Badminton about a new premier league starting. He talks about the idea behind the league, the reasons for changing the league and game formats, the idea behind the power play in the badminton league and the invitational players to come into some of the teams. He also talks…

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Touch & Go in the Sean O’Casey Theatre

Conor speaks to PAT SULLIVAN, director of the play “Touch & Go” staged in the Sean O’Casey Theatre. She talks about the long hours of work being put in to get the set up and running for the play, the rough plot of the play itself and the intimacy of the theatre. Pat: 0876773322…

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Hidden Hearing treating Tinnutus

John speaks to BARRY DOUGLAS from Hidden Hearing and GERRY COOLEY from the Near FM Business Partnership Initiative. They both talk about the reaction to the initiative, the importance of hearing checkups, the grants and benefits that may be available for people needing hearing aids, the possible variations and causes of tinnitus and how Hidden…

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RASP Official Opening

Mark reports from the RASP (Laneview Learning Centre) official opening. Mark firstly speaks with KEVIN BEHAN, chairperson of the Board of Management. He talks about why they wanted to move to Laneview, the objections and work that is done by RASP and the alternative methods they use to help people in need. He also talks…

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