Lorraine Clifford Lee and the FF Ticket


LORRAINE CLIFFORD LEE talks to Conor Doyle.

Fianna Fáil added Lorraine as a second candidate to the party ticket in the Dublin Fingal constituency.
Lorraine Clifford Lee, who unsuccessfully contested the Dublin City Council ward of Pembroke-South Dock in last year’s local elections, will run alongside Senator Darragh O’Brien.
Ms Clifford is a member of the party’s Ard Chomhairle and Fianna Fáil said she had been central to its efforts to “boost female participation in the party at all levels”.

Duration: 13.33 DATE: October 1, 2015
Interviewer:Conor Doyle
Producer:Conor Doyle
Interviewee:Lorraine Clifford Lee
Themes:Local News
Keywords:Fianna Fail, Politics, Elections, Candidates
LocationFingal Time Period:2015
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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