JOHN HEALY speaks to LORCAN O’ TOOLE about Fingal County Council proposing to erect a huge sewage plant in the Rush/ Lusk area of North County Dublin. Residents are not happy about this, listen in to hear more…
Noel speaks to DAVID MOORE from Astronomy Ireland. He talks about the background to Astronomy Ireland, the events that they run annually, their telescopic sights of the International Space ...
06 Nov 2015
Roving reporter FELICITY KEARNY talks to some of the artists at the opening of North Central Dublin’s Bealtaine Art Exhibition. North Dublin Group art exhibition launched on Tuesday May ...
22 May 2015
Noel McGuinness talks to residents of Clare Hall as they protest against the installation of water meters. The Gardai and mainstream media are in attendance in ...
07 Oct 2014
DONAL DALY of the EPA chats with John Healy about the exhibition, ‘Watertight: The Future of Irish Water’ which is taking place in The Science Gallery in Dublin. Donal outlines ...
11 Jan 2012
PHIL BOUGHTON of Volunteer Ireland speaks to Pat Meehan about the search for Volunteer of the Year for 2013. Phil urges listeners to nominate their own local heroes. The ...
23 Sep 2013