Cian O’Callaghan Social Democrat launching his campaign for the General Election 2016


Conor Doyle is talking to CIAN O’CALLAGHAN member of the Social Democrats about the upcoming election 2016, for which he is first contesting for.

Cian is specialized in the field of healthcare, housing, environment, mental health and criminal justice reform. Today he is talking about possible challenges during the elections like competing against long established parties, which are getting in comparison to them much money from taxpayers.

As the Social Democrats are claiming to stand for a new form of open, transparent politics based on progress, equality, democracy and sustainability, also Cian is claiming in issues of healthcare and housing that the state has to be more transparent and needs to be fixed immediately.


Duration: 15'49" DATE: February 15, 2016
Interviewer:Conor Doyle
Producer:Conor Doyle
Interviewee: Cian O’Callaghan
Themes:Local News, Local Current Affairs
Keywords:Social Democrat, staying positive, equality, general Election 2016
LocationDublin Bay North Time Period:2016
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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