John speaks to BARRY DOUGLAS from Hidden Hearing and GERRY COOLEY from the Near FM Business Partnership Initiative. They both talk about the reaction to the initiative, the importance of hearing checkups, the grants and benefits that may be available for people needing hearing aids, the possible variations and causes of tinnitus and how Hidden…
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DAN McCORMACK, Director of the Chalk Garden talks to Noel McGuinness about this new play and the newly refurbished Sean O’Casey Theatre in which it is being presented. Dan ...
18 Nov 2014
Ronnie speaks to FATHER DEREK FARRELL about how the conference went and what they hope to achieve in the time between this conference and the next conference. Father Derek ...
02 May 2012
BRIAN COLHOUN of Creative Mornings Dublin joins Eoin Drinan to talk about the coffee morning set up as a networking event for people in the creative industries. He shares how ...
27 Jun 2013
Representatives from Basque Country, France and Ireland met in Sheffield to shared their experiences on environmental content in Community Radio. The meeting was hosted by Sangita Basudev of Sheffield ...
06 Jun 2012
Noel McGuinness talks to SHARON VARD, CEO of Anam Cara, a support group for parents who have lost children. The loss of a child is every Mum and Dad’s ...
18 Oct 2012