FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres Ltd) invited renowned US public interest lawyer BRYAN STEVENSON to speak at this year’s Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture. Mr STEVENSON’s speech brought home some very powerful points about justice in the US that have great relevance for us here in Ireland. The justice and imprisonment statistics in the US are…
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JACKIE O’REILLY joins Pat Meehan to discuss the launch of the Finglas Heritage Trail, a trail of fourteen heritage sites. The trail was officially launched by councillor Naoise O’Muiri along with ...
17 Jun 2013
RICHIE SMITH of the Baldoyle Musical Society talks to Conor Doyle about this year’s production of the panto Robin Hood. The BMS was founded in 1973 and its panto ...
18 Dec 2014
JOHNNY MEEHA and JENNY NULTY speak to John Healy about the YAP programme, a young programme in Dublin. They talk about the amount of families that the YAP programme ...
03 Apr 2013
PATRICIA WROE speaks to Ronnie O’Brien about possible changes to the Junior Certificate curriculum with particular emphasis on Digital Technology. They discuss the requirements of what employers are looking ...
23 Jan 2013
Noel McGuinness interviews SHARON VARD from Anam Cara, to talk about support to bereaved parents and the fundraising support from ...
21 Jan 2014