JESSICA YATES speaks to Pat Meehan about the “Bloomsday Survival Kit” which is a little bag that can be carried with you along the route on blooms day, filled with props relating to the event. She speaks of it’s purpose as well as some of the items that are included in each bag. Related to…
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John Healy talks to GERRY COOLEY and musician DICKIE ROCK about their point of view to Dublin’s music scene and about their ...
05 Feb 2014
Flavia interviews several people from the Housing Emergency and Rights Conference that took place on Saturday 3rd October. She firstly chats with JOHN BISSETT from Housing Action. He talks ...
06 Oct 2015
Jack Byrne interviews MICHAEL McKENNA from Swords Credit Union and NOEL CUNNINGHAM from Coolock Artane Credit Union about the proposed merger of both Credit Unions and about the effect ...
21 Mar 2014
LORRAINE MONAGHAN, Industrial Relations Officer of the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation, talks to Mark Finnegan about industrial action being taken at Beaumont Hospital. The action is being taken ...
25 May 2015
Noel McGuinness talks with NOLEEN MCHUGH from Fingal County Council about the ‘Flavours of Fingal Festival’ at Newbridge House, Donabate. This is the first year of this festival, which promotes ...
18 Jul 2012