Homeless crisis increase in Dublin 2013

Deputy DESSIE ELLIS joins Noel McGuinness to discuss the rising figures of homeless people in Dublin in 2013, with 8 new people becoming homeless each day. They discuss the possible causes for such a large increase, including home repossesion and talk of possible solutions including using NAMA owned properties to house the homeless. Dessie makes…

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Erase Racism Photography exhibition

LUKE BOKHA of the Anti Racism Network of Ireland speaks to Eoin Drinan about the Erase Racism exhibition, launched on the 19th March 2013. Luke explains what the purpose of the exhibition is, as part of the European week against racism. They speak about 21st of March being a day set a side by the…

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Festival Of Curiosity 2013

Festival of Curiosity organizer VINCENT MCCARTHY joins Noel McGuinness to talk about the festival in 2013. Vincent talks about how the festival was originally a science and culture festival in 2012, its objective to encourage people to explore how the world around them works, what improvements they have made for this year’s festival, the speakers that will involved in…

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The Listen Project – A Place For Youths To Chat

HEIDI BEDELL of the Target Adult Education Centre speaks to John Healy about the launch of the Listen Project. Heidi talks about the history of the centre, the services and courses that they provide, the objection of the project, how people can get involved with the project and the current funding models for community services. Listen Project…

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Bikes Break into the Mainstream at Fr Collins Park

Bike week is taking place next week and there are a series of events scheduled around the country from June 16 to 24th 2012. These events have been organised by community groups, charities and cycling circles. PETER O’BRIEN, organiser of the Fr. Collins Park, Dublin bash, talks to Noel McGuinness Yestival! launches bike week on…

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Robbie Reilly & Luke Cunningham on Guitars

Noel McGuinness interviews ROBBIE REILLY & LUKE CUNNINGHAM, and they have been busking with Spanish Guitars to raise €3500 to fund a trip to Calcutta for Luke. Both the lads attend Belvedere College. Noel Spotted them playing in the Rose Festival in St Anne’s Park. They also play in the market in Dun Laoghaire and…

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Near FM’s culture night broadcast 2013

PAUL LOUGHRAN of NEAR FM joins Noel McGuinness to outline NEAR FM’s involvement with Culture night 2013 and the events that they will be facilitating on the night. Paul tells that the station will be broadcasting live from the Hugh Lane Gallery and will be broadcast live across a number of Dublin Community stations. Paul…

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Irish Anti War Movement On Increased Military Action In Syria

Mark speaks to EDWARD HORGAN from the Irish Anti War Movement about the increased military activity in Syria and its implications. He talks about how the military action is becoming a vicious circle, the genesis of where the terrorism acts of today came from, the mistakes that the militaries tend to make, how the children of…

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Intercultural Media Project Update

RONNIE O’BRIEN talks to GRACE WILENTZ, Coordinator of Near FM’s Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media initiative, and EOIN DRINAN on updates on the second round of the Intercultural Media Projects and the issue of migrants and the media. The Intercultural Dialogue through Community Media project is co-financed by the European Commission under the European Integration Fund…

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Labour Youth policies at the end of 2013

CIARAN GARRETT, chair of the Labour Youth Party, talks to Ger Leddin about the recent Dail launch of the party’s “Beyond the bail out” campaign, which is designed to implement Labour’s policies in a post bailout society. The party is lobbying for the abolition of zero hour contracts. Ciarán says these contracts have a very negative…

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Dublin Celebrates Bram Stoker Centenary, 2012

Councillor ANDREW MONTAGUE talks to Noel McGuinness about how he came up with the idea of a Bram Stoker Halloween Festival. Stoker, who died in 1912, was a true Dubliner. He lived in Marino, studied at Trinity, and married one of Oscar Wilde’s ex-girlfriends (who knew?). Oh, and he also wrote Dracula…

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Dublin Bus teaching kids to be respectful on the bus

Donie Tarrant speaks to MARIA PAYNE from Dublin Bus in relations to their new plans to teach the kids to respect on the buses. Dublin Bus has produced a new DVD as part of an initiative for highlighting how to use buses and to respect  public transport. Bus drivers and school coordinators are visiting schools…

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Touch & Go in the Sean O’Casey Theatre

Conor speaks to PAT SULLIVAN, director of the play “Touch & Go” staged in the Sean O’Casey Theatre. She talks about the long hours of work being put in to get the set up and running for the play, the rough plot of the play itself and the intimacy of the theatre. Pat: 0876773322…

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Dublin Fringe Festival 2013

RÓISE GOAN, Director Dublin Fringe Festival speaks to Eoin Drinan about the upcoming festival for 2013. Róise outlines some of the big events in store for September of that year including a show about the Dublin GAA team, a cabaret spectacular in Vicar Street, as well as performances of theatre shows “Break” and a major…

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Culture night 2013

RAY YATES, City Arts officer in Temple Bar, joins Noel McGuinness to discuss the upcoming plans for Culture Night 2013, whilst at an event celebrating the work of Seamus Heaney. Ray speaks of there being over 600 events throughout the country and more than 200 in Dublin. He tells that many places not usually open…

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