JOHN LYONS, Labour Councillor speaks to John Healy about a recent survey for unemployment in Dublin North West reaching 23%. John talks about the amount of jobs lost between 2008 and 2010 in the area, how people under 25 are particularly vulnerable in dealing with unemployment, the hopes of jobs being created in the milk…

Killing Time: Sutton – A local book on Sutton
John Healy talks to local author MICHAEL HURLEY about a new book called ‘Killing Time: Sutton’, which is a local history of the Sutton area of Dublin. The book is 144 pages and will retail in the local area. Michael recounts some of the books chapters, including transport links to the area, the Martello Tower,…
Bordeaux Conference: English Felixstowe Radio
Noel McGuinness interviews TREVOR LOCKWOOD from the English community radio station, Felixstowe Radio which is based in Suffolk. They chatted about the origin of radio and the chance of discovering the challenges of other rural radio stations all over Europe…
Camara charity reaches 500,000 children with Technological Assistance
Pat Meehan speaks to John from Irish charity “Camara” in light of them reaching their half million mark in terms of helping children access technology in Africa. We hear the history of the organisation since 2005 and some of their plans for reaching the two million mark by 2016. We hear of how prevalent technology…
Discovery CTC Darndale
John Healy speaks to TINA WALSH from discovery ctc in Darndale about courses that take place there. The centre provides vocational training for early school leavers, from the age of 16 -21. Their aim is to give them skills to get them ready for the workplace. All courses are open to males & females All…
PAX Good Behavior Game
Noel speaks to NOEL KELLY, the Preparing for Life Manager from the Northside Partnership He talks about a new programme where they are introducing the PAX Good Behavior Game which teaches children on how to be in charge of their own behavior and self regulation, it’s possible effects on both students and teachers, what age…
Book Launch for Zest 4 Kids
Pat Meehan talks to ROBERT CARLEY, from Zest 4 Kids, a charity working with children at risk or who have suffered trauma. Robert chatted about the launch of a book being sold in aid of the organisation…
Otherworld Festival: Halloween in Ballymun
BRIAN MONGHEY, organiser of the “Otherworld” Halloween Festival taking place at the Axis Centre in Ballymun, joins Eoin Drinan. The festival begins with a parade through the Ballymun estates leading to the Plaza where five marquees will be offering entertainment until 9pm culminating in a spectacular fireworks display. The annual festival was inaugurated in 1996…
Crisis in Iraq
JIM ROCHE of the Irish Anti-War Movement talks to Pat Meehan about the growing threat of war in the Middle East and the part that The US an UK governments are playing in arming the potential antagonists using ISIS as a catalyst. Oil is a major motivator in this political manouevering says JIM. And the…
Mother of Autistic Son Heading to Secondary School without SNA
John speaks to PAMELA MEATS who has an autistic son is about to attend secondary school and she feels that is a problem with special needs assistance. She discusses the process of appealing the refused application, the reasons why she feels the assistance is needed for her son and her frustrations about how the SNA description is constantly changing…
Art Pieces in Grogan’s Bar
Barbara speaks to TOMMY SMITH from Grogan’s Bar in South William Street. He talks about the development of the pub, the art pieces of displays from artists such as Brian McMahon and Tom Matthews, the idea behind the art being displayed in the pub, how a new art piece is put up in the pub…
Birdwatch Ireland
Ronnie O’Brian speaks to NIALL HATCH from Bird watch Ireland about the ” Roseate Tern” a sea bird that come to Ireland in the summer months…
Near Death Experiences in Real Life Settings
DR PENNY SARTORI and ROBERT WILLIAMS talk to Mark Finnegan about near-death experiences. Dr Penny Sartori worked as a nurse in a British hospital for 21 years, 17 of those being in Intensive Care. She is highly experienced and skilled in her role as an intensive care staff nurse; and has conducted unique and extensive…
Barbara Jennings’ Exhibition
Artist and NearFM roving reporter BARBARA JENNINGS talks about a forthcoming exhibition in Gallery 27, South Frederick Street and her art and influences. She was shown how to cast bronzes by Joe Moran, who gave her the equipment and know-how before telling her to go and practice. You can see the results of her hard…

Presentation of Swords Castle Digging History as part of the Heritage Week 2016
Pat Meehan is talking to Fingal Heritage Officer GERRY CLABBY about Swords Castle Digging History as part of the Heritage Week. Swords Castle represents over 800 years of change. Today the Castle is enclosed by a curtain wall and has several buildings from different periods. What we see today is a result of constant change…