Problems on the International Space Station

DAVID MOORE of Astronomy Ireland speaks to Noel McGuinness about the night sky in December 2013. David says this time of year is very interesting with the winter solstice having taken place just three days ago. He tells us which constellations are visible at this time and the number of planets that are visible. The…

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Lingo Festival

Conor speaks to STEPHEN SMITH, organiser of the Lingo Festival. He talks about the idea behind of the festival, the locations of the festival, some of the musicians, poets and actors performing and the variety of different events. He also talks about his inspirations as a poet himself and the feedback from the previous festivals…

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Fighting for Marriage Equality for LGBT Community

RONNIE O’BRIEN interviews MONINNE GRIFFITH about the Marriage Equality organisation. Marriage Equality is a not for profit, single issue, national grassroots advocacy organisation whose goal is to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Ireland through the extension of civil marriage rights to same-sex couples. Marriage Equality’s vision is of an…

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Digital Technology and the learning process

PATRICIA WROE speaks to Ronnie O’Brien about possible changes to the Junior Certificate curriculum with particular emphasis on Digital Technology. They discuss the requirements of what employers are looking for and cross reference that with the desired learning outcomes of the Junior Certificate. They talk of the intended framework of the certificate including the skill…

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Launch of New Residential Studios in Fire Station Studios

Noel talks to CLODAGH KENNY, director of Fire Station Studios about the launch of 2 new residential studios. She talks about the origins of the studios, the support they gave to visual artists and the details of the new studios. She also talks about how some artists struggle to get exhibitions, the history of the…

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Dublin Festival of History 2013

Tara Doyle, organiser of the Dublin Festival of History, joins Eoin Drinan to discuss this year’s programme of events. Tara says the idea is to create spaces for people to attend workshops with authors and historians and talk around historical topics. Tara says there has been a lot of interest from people travelling to Ireland…

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Land League take direct action

Flavia Goretta interviews GERRY BEADES of the Land League about recent events where people were evicted from their homes in Coolkeeragh Lodge. Land League activists subsequently entered the house and ejected security staff, claiming the home back. There is also discussion of the rising level of evictions, and the further work of the Land League…

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Dublin City Council’s Children’s Art in Libraries

Noel speaks to IRMA GORTHUIS, coordinator for the Dublin City Council’s Children’s Art in Libraries. She talks about the details of the exhibition called Lugo, the age range of the children involved in the exhibition, how the exhibition is encouraging the children to use their imagination and the different types of art that the children will be…

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