East Wall Community Honoured in 2012

East Wall was honoured that they are the winners of the national Pride Of Place competition 2012. It was an important recognition of the great community they share, and a tribute to the hard work and commitment of those who work tirelessly to make it so great. Each local authority in the 32 counties chooses…

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Lakes and Glens exhibition

Barbara Jennings interviews HEIDI NGUYEN French artist residing in Donegal, who will have her exhibition Lakes and Glens shown at Gallery 27 in Dublin. They show her vision of Donegal, which she considers a great place to find inspiration; They are abstract landscapes that show the beauty of the skies, coast and fields from this county…

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Ireland’s First Shotokan World Champion

John Healy interviews BERNARD GAFFNEY from Santry Shotokan Club and LEANNE ROYLE, Irelands First Shotokan World Champion. He explains the origin of Shotokan and how it’s arrived to Ireland. They have 16 Clubs in the Federation, most of them around Dublin and it’s getting bigger over the 12 years it has existed. Leanne explains the kata, which…

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Uilleann Pipe making in Dublin 17

TERRY MOYLAN speaks about a new Uilleann Pipe workshop that has opened in Clonshaugh in Dublin 17. Terry explains how Dublin was always a centre for piping going back centuries. The workshop is a three year full time course in Uilleann Pipe making, and there are 10 trainees on the course. It is part funded by…

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Communities Against Cuts

DAVE CONNOLLY from Communities Against Cuts came onto Northside Today to speak to presenter Pat Meehan about the Communities Against Cuts campaign. They talk about the collaboration of community leaders in responding to government cuts at both local and community levels. Many community organisations have had cuts in funding, including the Community Employment programme…

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Stardust Families staging sit-in at Government Buildings

Noel McGuinness interviews JOHN LYONS from People Before Profit about the Families from the Stardust Fire. The Stardust Fire left 48 dead young people. The families of that victims are searching for justice for so many years, but haven’t found it so far. Fighting for justice they’re getting in contact with the Government to set…

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The Impossible Project: The Last Producer of Polaroid Film

CREED O’Hanlon joins Eoin Drinan and begins by talking about the inspiration behind the Impossible Project which seeks to maintain production of Polaroid film for non-digital photographers. Creed says a Polaroid is a “one off” image and that the chemical production process creates a particular, unique atmosphere in the resulting photographs. Creed speaks of the…

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Fingal Film Fest 2015 Offers A New Award

Director of Fingal Film Festival 2015 DAVE BYRNE talks to John Healy about this year’s offerings. Fingal Film Festival has been committed to supporting the next generation of film makers since 2012, when it introduced the Best Student Award as a new award to join its previous seven awards. The Best Irish Language Film award…

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Irish Falun Dafa Association

Noel Mc Guinness speaks to  DAI DONGE  who is director of Irish falun dafa association about the show that’s happening in the convention centre tomorrow night. The show consists of performing arts, it’s a two hour show & they use classical chinese dance to portray stories myths & legends about china with wonderful colorful costumes…

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The release of the Insolvency Bill

John Healy speaks to DAVID HALL from New Beginnings, whose primary focus is to arrange representation for people facing re-possession in front of the courts.  70 Solicitors and Barristers, offering their services free of charge, are assisting the public through the organisation to help them through the process. They speak of their dealings with the banks,…

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