Noel McGuinness talks to MARK DUNKENFIELD, co-founder and director of Laya Healthcare Street Performers Festival about the World Championships, which are being held in Dublin this summer…
Ireland’s First Shotokan World Champion
John Healy interviews BERNARD GAFFNEY from Santry Shotokan Club and LEANNE ROYLE, Irelands First Shotokan World Champion. He explains the origin of Shotokan and how it’s arrived to Ireland. They have 16 Clubs in the Federation, most of them around Dublin and it’s getting bigger over the 12 years it has existed. Leanne explains the kata, which…
Celebrating Stoker’s Centenary in Dublin 2012
PAUL MURRAY (author of From the Shadow of Dracula: A Life of Bram Stoker [Jonathan Cape, 2004]); David J. Skal (author of Hollywood Gothic: The Tangled Web of Dracula from Novel to Stage to Screen [Norton, 1990]; The Monster Show: A Cultural History of Horror [Faber and Faber, 1993]) tells Noel McGuinness about the forthcoming…
Walk to School Week
Sabrina Ryan interviews ALLY MENARY about the initiative called Walk to School Week, where they try to inform parents about the benefits of walking to school with the kids, avoiding the car when possible…
Religion in schools creating faith formation
Ronnie O’Brien speaks to MICHAEL MORIARTY, the General secretary of the Irish Vocational Education Authority. They discuss an article which reports that 67% of parents want religious instruction for their children during the school day. Michael spoke of the pilot programme being run by the organisation, which involves faith formation…
American Country Singer Casey Black
Amanda Ni Ghabhann interviews American country singer CASEY BLACK, who will be at Whelans on May 20th along with Niall Connolly. He plays three live songs: “Happiness” @ 4’55”, “Flowers” @ 21’31” and “Museum made of Glass” @ 29’18”…
Birdwatch Ireland
Ronnie O’Brian speaks to NIALL HATCH from Bird watch Ireland about the ” Roseate Tern” a sea bird that come to Ireland in the summer months…
Aontas “Adult Learning Festival” preview
BERNIE GALLAGHER speaks to John Healy about the “Love to Learn” bus organised by Aontas. She explains how the event was a success and tells of upcoming events to promote adult learning as part of the Aontas “Adult Learners Festival”. Bernie encourages people to attend and bring a friend and to use the events as…
Dublin Bus Community Spirit Awards
GER LEDDIN from Dublin Bus talks to John about that organisation’s initiative ‘the Dublin Bus Community Spirit Awards’ that is designed to put the excess ticket payments that accumulate over the years to good use in the community…
TASC discuss adjustments in tax announced in Budget 2012
Ronnie O’Brien speaks to NAT O’CONNOR, Director of TASC (Think Tank for Action on Social Change) and they begin by discussing recent taxes brought in by the government, soon after the release of the yearly financial budget for 2012. They look at the pros and cons of these taxes (property tax etc.) and the difference…
The release of the Insolvency Bill
John Healy speaks to DAVID HALL from New Beginnings, whose primary focus is to arrange representation for people facing re-possession in front of the courts. 70 Solicitors and Barristers, offering their services free of charge, are assisting the public through the organisation to help them through the process. They speak of their dealings with the banks,…
New Tech Cuts Doc’s Response Times
NICK O’HARE from Medicare introduces Mark Finnegan to the new AMD technology for doctors. Out of hours doctors’ response times will be cut by two thirds in Ireland with the introduction of a new technology by Ireland’s leading healthcare company, Mediserve. The AMD TeleClinic involves a high-tech portable device being despatched quickly to patients’ homes,…
The North County Leader Paper
Noel Mc Guinness speaks to PATRICK FINNEGAN about this weeks stories from the north county leader, which include, a summer festival for Swords, Text alert scheme & Swords are also looking to get a tourist information office in the village…
Culture Night 2013
AMY VAN WYLICH joins Eoin Drinan to speak about the upcoming events as part of Culture night 2013. Amy speaks of how the festival has grown over the previous eight years, with 2013 featuring over 200 different venues. Highlights are RTE Concert Orchestra in Meeting House Square and also the National Photographic archives hosting an…

Swords Castle: Digging History
GERRY CLABBY talks to Pat Meehan about the the Swords Castle Conservation Plan. Swords Castle: Digging History is the first Community Archaeology project designed and supported by Fingal County Council. It is a unique means of engaging people, locals and tourists alike, with one of the county’s premier cultural and tourist assets. A series of…