Lakes and Glens exhibition

Barbara Jennings interviews HEIDI NGUYEN French artist residing in Donegal, who will have her exhibition Lakes and Glens shown at Gallery 27 in Dublin. They show her vision of Donegal, which she considers a great place to find inspiration; They are abstract landscapes that show the beauty of the skies, coast and fields from this county…

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“Sleepwalkers” exhibition @ Hugh Lane Gallery

Noel McGuinness interviews GAVIN MURPHY  an Irish artist, who’s presenting his latest exhibition “Sleepwalkers” at the Hugh Lane Gallery. He talks about his relationship with the gallery, as he has done research about the Gallery for this new exhibition and the role of the citizens of Dublin on the Gallery…

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Dublin Chinese New Year festival 2013

AMY YIN ZANG speaks to Yvette Reid about the plans for the Dublin Chinese New Year Festival in 2013. They also discuss the Dublin Chinese Film Festival 2013 and the films that will be shown as part of this festival. They discuss the meaning of the “Year of the Snake” which is the Chinese year…

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Gay & Lesbian equality network

Mark Finnegan speaks to SANDRA IRWIN-GOWRAN  from the Gay & Lesbian equality network about homophobic bullying & how all schools primary & secondary  must have an up to date anti bullying policy…

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Mature Artists Show Their Stuff at Axis, Ballymun

Roving reporter FELICITY KEARNY talks to some of the artists at the opening of North Central Dublin’s Bealtaine Art Exhibition. North Dublin Group art exhibition launched on Tuesday May 5th at 2pm in the Axis Arts Centre, Ballymun. The exhibition displays the wealth of talent and invention existing in the art groups and individuals over…

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Ballaban Gallery’s Budget Day Exhibition

FRANK O’DEA the owner of Ballaban Gallery and artist himself discusses a satirical new exhibition ‘Budget Day’ with Pat Meehan. FRANK is well-known in the city for encouraging new artists, and for helping get street art into the mainstream. He discusses these aspects of his work as well.  …

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Ballyfermot Folk Group’s “Home for Christmas”

Noel speaks to GERRY SIMPSON about the Ballyfermot Folk Group’s Christmas song “Home for Christmas” that is in aid of homeless charities. He talks about how the folk group reunited only recently, what they get up since they got back together, the charities that the proceeds of the song will go towards, the details of…

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Africa Week 2012

Minister for Trade & Development JOE COSTELLO joins Ronnie O’Brien to discuss Africa week 2012. Joe explains that a number of official events will be taking place over the weekend. Africa Week is celebrated across Ireland and is organised by both the local government and the local authorities. Joe explains how some of the events happening include a…

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Ice Swimming in Lough Dan, Wicklow

FERGAL SOMERVILLE speaks to Noel McGuinness about the Ice Swim challenge taking place in Lough Dan. They begin by discussing a swim that was cancelled in Dollymount due to it being more than 5 degrees celsius and so, too warm to class as Ice swimming. Instead they ventured to Lough Dan where it was a…

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Life And Experiences Of Paddy Duffy

Noel speaks to PADDY DUFFY, author and broadcaster. He talks about how his first novel came about thanks to a theme that came from the news at the time, what encouraged him to write the book, his concerns about young people’s general interest in politics, his beliefs on the Irish identity and his involvement in various…

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