GRACE WILENTZ, NEAR FM Cultural Coordinator, and PEG McMANUS from the Intercultural Group tell Pat Meehan what’s coming up on the Culture Shots programme. A major issue under the microscope is FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). It is estimated that some 3000 women in Ireland have undergone this ritual, many of them being abducted in order…
What Will Be Stored at the Merrion Vaults?
SEAMUS FAHY, Director of Merrion Private Vaults, joins Ger Leddin to discuss the company and the services it provides. They discuss the type of clients which Merrion Vaults expect to receive, including people wishing to deposit deeds of houses and sentimental items. They also expect to be storing clients’ valuables and technological back ups of…
Camara charity reaches 500,000 children with Technological Assistance
Pat Meehan speaks to John from Irish charity “Camara” in light of them reaching their half million mark in terms of helping children access technology in Africa. We hear the history of the organisation since 2005 and some of their plans for reaching the two million mark by 2016. We hear of how prevalent technology…
Birdwatch Ireland
Ronnie O’Brian speaks to NIALL HATCH from Bird watch Ireland about the ” Roseate Tern” a sea bird that come to Ireland in the summer months…
New Life Centre – Darndale
CHRISTINE O’KELLY speaks to John about the New Life Centre based in Darndale Belcamp and what it offers within the community such as after school clubs, computer courses, flower arranging, wood burning, beauty care and a number of others. They also offer free counselling. They talk about how they have a community bus which can…
“Dublin You Are” Poem & Dublin Capital of Culture 2020 Campaign
Mark speaks to ISEULT BYRNE, deputy director of Dublin 2020 about the “Dublin You Are” poem and the Dublin Capital of Culture 2020 campaign. She talks about the idea behind the poem, the honesty of the poem, what the capital of culture campaign entails and the scale of what’s to be planned. She also talks…
Art exhibition in Waterville
NOELLE CAMPBELL SHARP joins Barbara Jennings to tell her about the “Art 250 exhibition” in Waterville, Co Kerry, where there will be a “Buy with your Eye” art event featuring a number of art works on sale where the general public do not know who the artist is. Bill Cullen and Jackie Lavin have also…
World Trade Centre photo exhibition in Phizz Fest 2011
Noel interviews MARIAN FITZPATRICK, who talks about the photographic exhibition called World Trade Centre: A New Rising, by irish photographer Joe Woodhead, shown in the Phizz Fest…
Priorswood & District Mens Shed
Mark speaks to GEORGE FINGLAS from the Priorswood and District Mens Shed. He talks about the concept of Mens Shed, the conditions of being a member of Mens Shed, examples of what you can get out of it, the social events that they put together and how it’s handy that many members of the Mens…
Amy FitzPatrick Is Still Missing
The disappearance of Amy Fitzpatrick occurred on New Year’s Day 2008. At 10pm on that day, 15-year-old Irish girl Amy Fitzpatrick said goodbye to friend Ashley Rose, with whom she had been babysitting Ashley’s brother at her friend’s house in Mijas Costa in Málaga, Spain. Fitzpatrick should have arrived at her home on the urbanisation…
“Anne Frank and You” Exhibition at Pearse Street Library
ANNE MARIE KELLY of Dublin City Libraries joins Eoin Drinan to talk about the Anne Frank Exhibition taking place in Pearse Street Library. Anne says Anne Frank’s Diary continues to be a very popular book in the library system and that this exhibition is tailored towards new readers. There are two elements to the exhibition…
Dublin Gay Mens Choir
BARRY JOYCE of the Dublin Gay Mens Choir [crackle and interference on phone line and drop out at beginning of interview] joins Eoin Drinan to discuss their upcoming performance “Summer Serenade” a concert of 30 men performing in the CHQ building. They perform a collection of songs from Sinatra to The Script along with some…
EPIC Work With Children In Care
JENNIFER GARGAN of EPIC (Empowering People In Care) talks to John Healy about the work being done by EPIC in north Dublin. EPIC is an independent association that works throughout the Republic of Ireland, with and for children and young people who are currently living in care or who have had an experience of living…

Hundreds Facing Eviction in Tyrellstown
Cllr PAUL DONNELLY from Sinn Féin talks to Noel McGuinness about the facing of the eviction in Tyrellstown. More than 100 families in Cruise Park Drive face losing their homes as the fund that owns the properties seeks to sell 103 houses in the area over four years. It is understood 40 households in the estate have…

Erasmus Plus Project
Mark speaks to DOROTHEE MEYER HOLTKAMP about the Erasmus Plus Project. She talks about the details of the project in which other community radio stations in Europe participate, the conference that took place in France, how the community radio sector is always working with people who may suffer from disabilities, how the findings of the…