CHRIS BRYAN of Bohemians’ Foundation talks to Mark Finnegan about Walking Football. The Bohemian Foundation is starting a new walking football initiative in Ballymun. If successful, it will be extended to other areas of Dublin. The aim of the project is to encourage people over the age of 50 to get active. There are big…
New programming at Near FM
Noel interviews CIARAN MURRAY about the new programming for 2012 at NearFM…
Cyprus Introduces Ireland to its EU Presidency
The Presidency of the Council of the European Union is responsible for the functioning of the Council of the European Union, the upper house of the EU legislature. It rotates among the member states of the EU every six months. The presidency is not an individual, but rather the position is held by a national…
Russian Festival Week 2012
EOIN FITZPATRICK with a report from the Russian Festival 2012…
FLAC’s 8th Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture
FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres Ltd) invited renowned US public interest lawyer BRYAN STEVENSON to speak at this year’s Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture. Mr STEVENSON’s speech brought home some very powerful points about justice in the US that have great relevance for us here in Ireland. The justice and imprisonment statistics in the US are…
Alcohol Free Night Club
RONNIE O’ BRIEN speaks to PETER O’ BRIEN about the launch of an alcohol free night club in Temple Bar in Dublin City Centre…
Cafe O Play celebrates first anniversary
MICHELLE BARRY CASHMAN and HANNAH LOPEZ, the operators of Cafe O Play at Clonliffe & Croke Park Community Centre explain how this new concept in play groups operates. They provide a cafe service for parents, and full playgroup facilities for children. This means parents and children can socialise at the same time. There are some very…
Near FM Broadcast Live Across Dublin From Temple Bar for Culture Night
Noel McGuinness talks to Near FM’s PAUL LOUGHRAN about Near FM and Near TV broadcasting live from Temple Bar for Culture Night. Friday is ‘Culture Night’. Near FM broadcast from the community shopfront from 4 to 8 pm in 2011 and it was a great success. This year they are doing it again from the…
“Dusk Ahead”, A Imaginative Dance & Music Performance
Noel speaks to MEGAN KENNEDY, artistic director from the Junk Ensemble Dance & Theatre Company about the tour of “Dusk Ahead”. She talks about the idea behind the imaginative dance & music show, the people behind the visuals and stage production, the music being played during the performance, the locations where they will be performing…

Currach racing in East Wall
DAVE KELLY speaks to Noel McGuinness about the upcoming Currach Races at East Wall, Dublin. Dave explains his devotion to Currach racing both on the Liffey and further afield. Dave shares details of how to get involved with the sport, at the Tolka estuary to sample life in the Currach. They share details of Currach racing…
Fighting for Marriage Equality for LGBT Community
RONNIE O’BRIEN interviews MONINNE GRIFFITH about the Marriage Equality organisation. Marriage Equality is a not for profit, single issue, national grassroots advocacy organisation whose goal is to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Ireland through the extension of civil marriage rights to same-sex couples. Marriage Equality’s vision is of an…
Could an Icelandic Approach Work in Ireland’s Economy?
Professor TOTI MATTIESSEN joins Ger Leddin to discuss the recovery of the Icelandic economy. Professor Mattiessen also publicises his forthcoming coming talk in Dublin. We hear how the Icelanders dealt with their economic recovery by sending their banks into receivership. They contrast the Irish economic situation with the Icelandic response. Professor Mattiessen makes some observations…
“Revolutionary states: Home Rule in Modern Ireland” exhibition
Ronnie O’Brien speaks to LOGAN SISLEY curator at The Hugh Lane Gallery who explains their exhibition “Revolutionary states: Home Rule in Modern Ireland” held in collaboration with Dublintellectual. In particular they discuss an upcoming debate which is the focus of the exhibition and which will feature four members of different Universities in Dublin. They speak…
Preview of Donaghmede Festival 2011
Musicians DAVID MCGUINNESS and NOEL MCGUINNESS talk about the Donaghmede Festival and play some live music in studio, including “Don’t Wanna know” by John Martyn @ 2’15”, “Folsom Prison Blues” by Johnny Cash @ 7’30”, “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles @ 12’12” and “All Along the Watchtower” by Bob Dylan @ 16’41”…
Pope Francis To Wash The Feet Of Prisoners On Holy Thursday
Father PETER MCVERRY of the Society of Jesus speaks to Ger Leddin to discuss Pope Francis washing the feet of prisoners on Holy Thursday 2013. Fr. Peter explains the significance of washing the prisoners’ feet, the direction of Pope Francis’ papacy, Pope Francis’ style in comparison to his predecessors, Pope Francis’ time in Ireland a…