“First Thursdays Dublin” gallery initiative

EIMEAR joins Paula Wiseman to discuss “First Thursdays Dublin”, an initiative keeping a selection of galleries open later on the First Thursday of each month. They discuss the success of the initiative, run in tandem with “Culture Night” which they also organise each September. They share ways to get involved with “First Thursdays” both on…

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“Prism” at the Talbot Gallery

ELAINE GRAINGERS joins Paula Wiseman to discuss the exhibition “Prism” at the Talbot Gallery. The work is by an artist called Aisling Conroy, who has been working on this exhibition for nine months. We hear how it is a work quite strong on colour which also uses Sound Installation. We hear that the works use…

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Social Justice Media conference

PETER CUNNINGHAM, Near Co-op treasurer rounds up the planned events for the Social Justice media seminar, the day before the event occured. He outlines the various speakers lined up, tells us how Minister Pat Rabbitte will deliver the opening speech. Amongst other speakers involved on the day will be Peter McVerry, Gavin Titley and Nessa…

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Involvement of Women in the 1913 Lockout

THERESA MORIARTY speaks from Ballymun Library about the Involvement of Women in the 1913 Strike and Lockout. We hear of specific women involved and their courageous actions throughout the duration of the lockout. She speaks of some of the particular Trade Unions that the women were members of and all of them testaments to their…

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Financial Cutbacks to Traveller Education

HILLARY HARMEN from Pavee Point speaks to Ronnie O’Brien about cutbacks to traveller education. They discuss how there had been improvements to facilities for Travellers in education, however this has changed coming into 2013. They discuss some details of reports carried out. They talk of cuts to outreach services and also speak to travellers attending…

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Citizens Information Centre updates

CHRISTINA SANTA MARIA from the Citizens Information Centre joins John Healy to discuss updates in the services for 2013. They begin by discussing changes to the one parent family payment. She shares the detail of the Social Welfare scheme. They move on to speak about changes to the Jobseekers Benefit in 2013. They also speak…

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Cuts to Funding for Sphere 17

John Healy speaks to Stephen Blades from Sphere 17, a youth club service, about a one hundred and twenty two thousand euro cut in funding for the service. They discuss the effect of these cuts and the services which will need to be reduced as a result. Stephen shares details of the effect of cuts…

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Debra Ireland and the Womens Mini Marathon 2013

Barbara Jennings speaks to SUSAN WOODCOCK from DEBRA Ireland. They begin by speaking a little about what the charities does and who it caters for. We hear of some of the effects of EB and they talk of some of the services provided. In particular they speak of a drive to have people running the…

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Hip Hop mentoring scheme at Axis, Ballymun

Noel McGuinness speaks to LETHAL DIALECT (Paulie Allright) about the rap scene in Ireland at the time. They begin by talking about the state of the Irish scene in 2013 and then speak a little about Lethal Dialects work and background. They move on to speaking about the Hip Hop mentoring scheme and teaching people…

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NearFM Spring Round up

DAVE O’CONNOR speaks to Noel McGuinnes about what is going on in NEARFM including celebrating thirty years of Near Media Co-op and a conference on “Social Justice Media” to mark the anniversary. He also speaks of what inspired him to get involved in Community Media. They also talk of “Folklore from the Dance Floor” a…

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Ice Swimming in Lough Dan, Wicklow

FERGAL SOMERVILLE speaks to Noel McGuinness about the Ice Swim challenge taking place in Lough Dan. They begin by discussing a swim that was cancelled in Dollymount due to it being more than 5 degrees celsius and so, too warm to class as Ice swimming. Instead they ventured to Lough Dan where it was a…

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What is “Flight of Ideas”?

PETER RYAN speaks to Eoin Drinan about his work as part of the flight of ideas group, set up as a networking initiative for artists. Peter explains the work of the group as a resource for artists across varying platforms and disciplines. He details their next scheduled event and offers up ways to connect with…

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What is “Storymap.ie”?

TOM ROWLEY, co founder of Storymap.ie speaks to Eoin Drinan about the purpose of the website. He explains how the website provides an ability for people to click online on a street (or via an app) and tap into stories about certain areas of that street. For a local it offers and opportunity to see…

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