Fire Brigade Charity Pump Push from Dublin to Belfast

DECLAN RICE joins Noel McGuinness to discuss Pump Push 2013, a cross border charity relay from Dublin to Belfast to open the World Police & Fire Games. Declan talks about where the proceeds for the event will go, the details of the relay itself, the amount of runners that will participating in the relay and…

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Festival Of Curiosity 2013

Festival of Curiosity organizer VINCENT MCCARTHY joins Noel McGuinness to talk about the festival in 2013. Vincent talks about how the festival was originally a science and culture festival in 2012, its objective to encourage people to explore how the world around them works, what improvements they have made for this year’s festival, the speakers that will involved in…

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Tackling Homophobic and Transphobic bullying

MICHAEL BARRON from Belong To Youth services joins Yvette Reid to talk about the issue of homophobic and transphobic bullying. Michael talks about how this kind of bullying is a very serious problem in Ireland according to recent reports, what he has found from speaking to school youths who have seen or experienced such incidents, the “Stand Up”…

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Baldoyle Racecourse Community Garden

Baldoyle Racecourse Community Garden organizer JENNIFER NOTHER joins Yvette Reid to talk about how the community garden was put together. Jennifer talks of the committee that guided the project, how the garden operates,  how the community organize to meet at particular times of the month to carry out specific tasks such as cutting grass, her hopes of the garden growing in the…

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Life In Croatia After Joining The EU

Croatia native and Near FM volunteer, LIDIJA RADACIC joins Noel McGuinness to talk about life in Croatia after recently joining the EU. Lidija talks about her lifestyle in Dublin and the similarities between the two cultures of Ireland and Croatia, the lifestyle and location of Croatia, the importance of tourism for the country and their need to improve their industrial production…

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How To Fund The Trip Of Your Dreams.

Explorers Club member, JEFF BLUMMERFELD speaks with Eoin Drinan. The Explorers Club has around 3000 members, including most of the well known explorers of all time. They have 25 chapters around the world. Jeff talks about much of his own work such as organizing expeditions for field testing exploration equipment in harsh conditions, his book which aims to show…

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Using Real Time Data Technology To Aid Crisis Mapping

Crisis Mapper PATRICK MEIER speaks to Eoin Drinan about his website, Patrick talks about the evolution of the idea over the previous five years,  some of the challenges of crisis mapping including its changes, the positive implications of bridging the time gap using a digital map instead of a physical map and how this feeds into the response…

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Travel Blogging Grants Available For Person Moving To Another EU Country

COLIN HETHERINGTON from speaks to Eoin Drinan about the 500 euro grants they are offering to anyone who would like to blog about their job search experience abroad. Colin talks about the increase in emigration in Ireland, the background of the “Get Set Get Earning” campaign, which aims to share people’s experiences from moving to another EU state.…

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Becoming An Arctic Explorer: An Introduction

Arctic Explorer JIM MCNEIL speaks to Eoin Drinan about, which organizes polar expeditions for ordinary people. Jim talks about what inspired him to become an ice explorer, how the idea for the business came about to create a space for ordinary people to undertake such an experience, the impact of climate change from Jim’s experiences of visiting the Arctic…

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Learning About The “Dublin Tenement Experience”

CHARLES DUGGAN joins Eoin Drinan to talk about the Dublin Tenement Experience, an “Actor led” exhibition/performance to celebrate the centenary of the 1913 Lock Out. Charles talks about where the idea of the exhibition came from, what Dublin was like at the time, how Henrietta Street became a tenement area in the 1880’s and the events of the “Lock…

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Dealing with Noisy Neighbours in your community

JACKIE HAUGHEY from the Citizens Information Centre joins John Healy to talk about how people can combat issues with “Noisy Neighbours” in their community. Jackie talks about what options are available for people including legal steps if necessary, the legal route which would be followed in such a circumstance and how she urges people to discuss the issue with the person involved first…

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Liberties Festival 2013

MICHAEL CONLAN, an organizer of the Liberties Festival joins Noel McGuinness to talk about the upcoming Liberties festival and what it entails for the year 2013. Michael talks about some of the events in the festival such as a concert at St. Patrick’s festival, the purpose of the festival for the people in the Liberties area of Dublin, the…

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What is the “One Percent Difference” philanthropic campaign?

SEAMUS MULCONRY, Executive Director of Philanthropy Ireland speaks with Pat about the “One Percent Difference” campaign, where you are asked to give one percent of your time or money to a cause which you can believe in. Seamus talks about the pros of volunteering time for sports and other organisations in Ireland, the generosity of Irish people as…

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Clowns Without Borders: Miles of Smiles Photo Exhibition

COLM O’GRADY of Clowns Without Borders joins John Healy to discuss the “Miles of Smiles” exhibition. Clowns Without Borders is a group performing circus acts and comedy to bring laughter to young people in areas of conflict and crisis around the world. The group also performs for homeless groups, refugees and HIV patients, trying to…

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