Cuts to the Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme (KCCP)


Addiction councillor DECLAN BYRNE from the Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme (KCCP) comes to studio to talk to Pat Meehan about the community employment cuts to the programme.

Declan gives a short history of the project, explaining how the project rose out of the heroine epidemic in the 1980’s. Local people joined forces with the Health Board and other agencies to help people in Kilbarrack with drug addiction. The project first opened in 1997.

In 2010 the Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme (KCCP) won an award as the best Adult education centre in Dublin.

The situation now for people on disabilities or lone parents allowance is that they cannot enter the KCCP programme and keep the other benefits.

Declan believes that the programme will need to close within a year due to new people not joining because of the new restrictions brought in by the Department of Social Protection.

More information

Duration: 26'06" DATE: January 23, 2012
Interviewer:Pat Meehan
Producer:Yvette Reid
Interviewee:Declan Byrne
Themes:Local News, Local Current Affairs
Keywords:Addiction councillors, community employment cuts, heroine epidemics, Kilbarrack, drug addictions, Kilbarrack Coast Community Programme (KCCP), Adult education centre, lone parents allowance
LocationKilbarrack Time Period:2012
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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