The book “47 Roses” by local writer Peter Sheridan performed as a play in The Viking Theatre in Clontarf


Conor Doyle talks to PETER SHERIDAN  about stories of Dublin and his book 47 Roses, which had been rewritten into a play and had been performed in The Viking Theatre, Clontarf.  The story is about himself dealing with the past of his family . After his father died, his mum wrote to a woman who had been around the family for many years to tell her his dad was dead. And she came to Ireland with 47 Roses to put on his grave. And obviously his mother and himself were very upset by this. So he went to visit this woman where she lived in Manchester. And she told  him this incredible story about this relationship she had had with his dad for 47 years, hence the roses. There was one for each year she had known him. So the story is basically about himself trying to discover the truth about the relationship between my dad and this woman.

Duration: 21'56" DATE: March 10, 2016
Interviewer:Conor Doyle
Producer:Conor Doyle
Interviewee: Peter Sheridan
Themes:Irish Life & Culture, Local Arts & Culture
Keywords:47 Roses, The Viking Theatre, relationships, love trouble, family history
LocationClontarf Time Period:2016
Type:Sound Language:English
Creator:Near FM Publisher:Near FM
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