Barbara Jennings speaks to BRYAN PALM who is having an exhibition in duke street galley. His work consists of pictures he took back in the 1970’s in lower & upper Mount street where he grew up. Down our way is the title of his work which consist’s of pictures he took of the children in…
FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centres Ltd) invited renowned US public interest lawyer BRYAN STEVENSON to speak at this year’s Dave Ellis Memorial Lecture. Mr STEVENSON’s speech brought home some ...
10 Dec 2014
Barbara Jennings talks to SEAN at The Exchange in Temple Bar, which is an open space for people who like a variety of activities like Dance, Music, Arts, and Theatre. ...
02 May 2012
Pat Meehan speaks to JONATHEN LYNAM, JONATHEN speaks about his disabled father who got both his legs amputated in Beaumont Hospital due to an illness. He is seeking help ...
26 Feb 2015
Noel McGuinness is talking to FIONA MURDOCH about the Irish Girl Guides A-WEAR-NESS Day , where IGG (Irish Girl Guide) members throughout the country wore their Guide uniforms to school ...
07 Mar 2016