Artist and town planner PAUL KEARNS discusses and exhibition and book ‘Beyond Pebbledash’, which sees a full-size pebbledash house erected in Collins Barracks. The exhibition is aimed at teenage people who live in Dublin. Those who live in the suburbs are aksked what they like and dislike about this, and those who live in the…
Daily Archives: September 22, 2014
Land League take direct action
Flavia Goretta interviews GERRY BEADES of the Land League about recent events where people were evicted from their homes in Coolkeeragh Lodge. Land League activists subsequently entered the house and ejected security staff, claiming the home back. There is also discussion of the rising level of evictions, and the further work of the Land League…
Anti-Austerity Alliance petition against water charges
MICHAEL O’BRIEN and PRIONSIAS O’CONARAIN talk to Mark Finnegan about the on-going campaign against payment of water charges in Ireland…