National Soup Week 2013

Eoin Drynan speaks to GARETH CROWE from Gorta Ireland about the upcoming Soup Week in March 2013. They discuss the purpose of the campaign and mention how 5c for each cup of soup you drink at home (bought from Erin soup) goes towards the campaign. Every organisation (restaurants, canteens etc) involved will donate 1euro for…

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Oral History project on the Magdalene Laundries

SINEAD PEMBROKE speaks to Ronnie O’Brien who is seeking interviewees for a  history project based on the Irish Magdalene Laundries. Sinead speaks a little about the known history of the Laundries and the ladies who became involved with them over the course of their lifetime. She then explains both the purpose of the project and…

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Food Glorious Food, a “Waste food initiative”

Iseult Ward from “Food Glorious Food”, an initiative set up to bridge the gap between food waste and poverty, speaks to Yvette Reid. Iseult explains the goals of the initiative and how they hope to implement it by collecting leftover foods from restaurants, farmers markets and butchers and arranging to distribute them to those in…

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Aontas “Adult Learning Festival” preview

BERNIE GALLAGHER speaks to John Healy about the “Love to Learn” bus organised by Aontas. She explains how the event was a success and tells of upcoming events to promote adult learning as part of the Aontas “Adult Learners Festival”. Bernie encourages people to attend and bring a friend and to use the events as…

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Ski Club Ireland and the Special Olympics World Winter games

LEN GALLAGHER Speaks to Ronnie O’Brien about the Irish teams success in the Special Olympics World Winter games of the time, in particular with regard to the Ski Club of Ireland and Gary Burtons success at the event. They discuss the facilities available within Ireland for training and also how the distance of the indoor…

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Monster Clock, a puppet musical at the Axis Theatre

DAN COLLEY speaks to Noel McGuinness about “Monster Clock”, a stage production being performed at the Axis Theatre in Ballymun. Dan is the shows director and speaks of the productions history and target audience. They discuss the story behind the show, where it has travelled to and where the name of the drama company came…

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The work of in educating about Online Bullying

IAN POWER joins Ronnie O’Brien to discuss Online Bullying. He begins by sharing details of the website “” and the primary care health service which they provide online. They speak of some of the shortfalls of popular online websites in terms of reporting inappropriate posts or posts of a serious nature using a “three click…

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New Monasticism in Ireland

BERNADETTE FLANAGAN speaks to Ronnie O’Brien about “New Monasticism”, a global movement developing a network of people who are interested in having practices like mindfulness built into their daily lives. They speak of the idea of possible links to Celtic Monasticism. They speak of a “soul friend” or “An Ainm Chara” and they finally discuss…

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WORLD RADIO DAY: Nearfm and Community radio history.

JACK BYRNE speaks to John Healy on World Radio day about the history of the set up of NEARFM in Coolock. They speak of the creation of the CRAOL network. They discuss funding for Community Radio in 2013 and also the details of  a conference on Social Justice Media being organised to celebrate the 30th…

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Poisoning of White Tailed Eagles, Ireland

LORCAN O’TOOLE of the Eagle Trust speaks to Noel McGuinness about the poisoning of Eagles in Ireland. Lorcan explains that in some cases farmers leave out poison aimed at Foxes and crows to protect cattle. They speak specifically of the poisoning of a White Tailed eagle. They then talk of the Eagle trusts work throughout…

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“New Axis” Mixed Media Exhibition at the Talbot Gallery 2013

OLIVE BARRETT speaks to Paula Wiseman about an exhibition taking place in the Talbot Gallery featuring photographersKaren Forester,Austin Hearn, Louise Marlboro and painter John Moore as well as Olives own work. It is a mixed media exhibition. Olive shares her own background and then speaks of the process of designing an exhibition including applying through…

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uSwitch in Ireland, cost comparison service

EOIN CLARKE, head of uSwitch speaks to Noel McGuinness about what the company supply and how people can cut the cost of their household bills by using their service. Eoin speaks of many possibilities for households to change their cost plans or providers with both utilities such as gas and electricity as well as more…

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Dublin Chinese New Year festival 2013

AMY YIN ZANG speaks to Yvette Reid about the plans for the Dublin Chinese New Year Festival in 2013. They also discuss the Dublin Chinese Film Festival 2013 and the films that will be shown as part of this festival. They discuss the meaning of the “Year of the Snake” which is the Chinese year…

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